7 reviews liked by belugabaleia


Not a day goes by that I miss this game. It has it's flaws, yeah, but the love that went into this game oozes at the seams. I think everyone should give this game a shot at least once. Especially if they like games like Ace Attorney, Persona, or TWEWY.

eu sou capaz de jogar qualquer coisa que se baseie em gimmick de ds; junto de umineko é um dos maiores representantes da categoria jogos com o estilo de arte de uma fanart feita por uma criança otaka em 2007

Xcom for children in a good way

Super fun tactical game. Sneaky hard at times if you want to push yourself to complete the challenges. Also, very funny at times despite the occasional cringey rabbid joke. An insane amount of content for what seems like a small game. Put almost 40 hours into this bad boy. Easy recommend.

It’s a fun strategy game but anytime you aren’t doing combat it turns into the most tedious boring shit ever

acho que tem umas dungeons divertidas sempre com um gimmick daora mas chegando pertinho do final elas pioram, aquela do céu é bem maior do que deveria e bem chatinha e as duas lineares são bem ruins (data aprox.)