the feeling of uneasy about the past of the characters, the guilt they feel and how they interact with each other made this my fav group of friends from persona yet, even tho yukino is kinda of a waste of space, all the relationship comes very well together.

pretty ok i guess, too simple tbh

its a pretty good game, not the best roguelike nor the best farming simulator, but its a pretty good mix of the two, it does get repetitive from the 3rd area tho. A little more time in the oven and it will be incredible

great story after some hours played, mid to terrible gameplay

really didn't expect voice acting from this, but my god it is cluncky.

incredibly uninteresting story with poor gameplay. At least the customization is good

mixed feelings about this one. One side i love characters (toko, monaca, haiji) and how the game plays with the duality (hope and despair, kids and adults, good and bad) and how most of the times things are on the middle, but i absolutely hate the gameplay, the aim is trash and without the class trials something is missing

gameplay is a little bit too grindy for my tastes and tbh doesnt deserve a 10, but story, characters, message are so unique and timeless that they deserve a lot more than 10, this really is a piece of art.

incredible artwork (both the pixel art and the castlevania inspired one) and music, the gameplay feels boring tho

terrible game, good mysteries tho

mixed feelings about this, most of the fights are great but holy shit this can get bad, basically grind = fun. The dragon fight is a masterpiece tho

Dropped this going to the Bastille, I absolutely love the design and all around feeling of the game, although the story is nothing incredible, seeing some important figures to french in this setting was really cool. My favorite part of this game is prob seeing the characters disagreeing with each other over how to proceed with France, foreshadowing how French revolution went and how people really were changing the form of thinking. The gameplay tho... Piss easy and extremely boring after 3 hours of game, this game would really do great with some variety. Overall mid game.

wayyyyyyy too dank, wtf is this start