I originally "downloaded" this game for free as a kid and spent all the time in creative mode, it was fun and I built a lot of houses. Years passed and I just got bored, but that's just me

Played this game when it came out, was only fun with close friends. I am also very bad at lying/overall the chat in these type of games so they would be suspicious of me even if I was innocent

I've been playing this game ever since it came out. I've been through hell but I don't play as much anymore, why is getting crystals so difficult?!

Mizuki and Toya <3

I'm not that into this game but I love Ako

I keep forgetting to log in but it's actually a good game

This was my sht, but the walking point system had me stressed tf out

This was fun but at some point I was burning everyone's pancakes

Made Griffith Berserk in here and play from time to time, it's funny sometimes

I played with a friend recently (card-jitsu), it's a nostalgia attack game. I used to be so sad whenever my puffles ran away

Had some funny levels and was interesting back then

I still play to this day, can be super fun with friends even if the games are very poorly made

Released on November 20, 2013 (I wish I could edit the release date)
I liked this game back then, especially making new characters, but I don't remember anything else

I just kept resetting and making new characters. May be amazing to some, me I was just chilling in this game


Posing simulator but it's so funny actually, played it again with a friend recently

Pretty shtty from what I remember