I had the cartridge for this and somehow it got lost, so it was inevitably shelved :( I'll come back one day though! Such a good sequel

Almost to the top with Pearl for me, I was actually trying to finish it a while ago (after my failed attempts as a kid) but due to schedule reasons I had to shelf it. I'll come back!

I put this on my favorites because it was the very first Pokémon game I bought. I was obsessed, but couldn't progress through some parts because I was too young, so I shelved it. I remember getting stuck inside a dark cave and resetting, I want to finish it one day! Only thing that sucks is that you realise how insanely slow everything was

I was a kid so I couldn't figure out how to progress, but it was such a cool game

Had this before the actual Sims on a pc, but it was not that bad (although noticed that it was very limiting) I had a weird green grown man living with my sim for no reason

Was obsessed with how they rolled on the ground and were so cute. That's it

Good game, played with friends and had fun. Not much to say, miss those times!

This was given to me as a gift for Christmas many many years ago, I came to hate Rover for some dumb reason (I did not like the way he was asking me stuff) and named my village "K*llRover" PLEASE like it was not that serious... it is so funny to think about now. Apart from that, I genuinely had fun playing

Had some fun raging moments with friends, too bad they shut it down. I don't play anymore, but I loved Mercy

Sucks that clothes and your character are gender locked. Nintendo I am Not The Same Person I Was 10 Years Ago. Everything else though? I had my entire family and friend group in there

I had a thousand characters created for friends and family. The house part was so entertaining I always made sure to have the best one, and would roleplay with friends HELP it was so much fun!!!! The landscapes were so crisp for its time too. I miss you Go Vacation

If you played this game you've witnessed friendships and family bonds break in front of your eyes

I loved this show so much that the game was a masterpiece to me. I even replayed it several times as a kid!

this was the first game I played on my sisters' PS2. After watching the movie I was enchanted by it, I remember being scared of the first level with the bank robbers because it was my first time playing a game where I had to fight humans. Very good memories! PS2 is inside some bix somewhere but I would love to be able to play this again one day

Only reviewing this because that tree slide part made me ragequit and rethink my life choices several times as a kid