5 reviews liked by bestjester

i got catfished by a grown ass man in a winter cabin roleplay… never touched those games again, after that it was all naruto fight simulators and five nights at freddy’s

It is truly a blessing that the community for this game created a translation, so that everyone can enjoy this amazing rpg. With such an emotional story, unforgettable humor, iconic characters, and great gameplay, this should absolutely be considered a must-play for anyone into video games

I played this game on my laptop when i was in middle school in like 2012 or so and i got a new computer and my save file didnt transfer. Then i started playing it again in high school on my iphone and i accidentally threw my phone away on a lunch tray and lost my save file again and then i picked up it again my junior year of high school, accidentally updated my iphone and was unable to play GBA4IOS again and lost my save file yet again LOL but from what i played this game is awesome i got to the snow mountain and thats where i stopped last, I'll probably pick it up again in the near future.

the ultimate "I dont like shooters" killer

Shut up Metal Sonic you stupid bitch