It's really good for what it is. But what it is is not much. One of my favorite super casual couch multiplayer games.

I thought bowser mode or whatever was actually really fun

Very cute little Wario Ware pachinko combination game. I had a lot of fun for the few hours I played. Will for sure pick it up for a few more at some point.

I've played a lot of this game considering how big of a game it is. It has been a really fun game to play while chatting with friends. Best action platform shooter rogue-lite versus game. At the end of the day though there's not much to it.

This was pretty fun for a little bit.

Not rating this game because honestly it's more of a tool than a game.


Listen, the game is bad, but it's supposed to be. I had fun but also it's so dumb.

Weird one to review on this website because I feel like I'm rating a tabletop card game. I like it a good deal. I think it's more fun for me personally than magic because it's more approachable and goofy at times.
But as a game it's so so hard to build good decks without spending way too much money. That's frustrating and the reason I stopped playing.

pretty fun! great foundation for the series. more fun than i expected since in my experience a lot of NES games haven't aged so well.

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Really loved the game this second time through. I had a much better time exploring the world. There's plenty of charming side quests - Tarrey Town is my favorite one. The combat is fun if you get creative with it. And the little secrets packed in are so enjoyable. My favorite was finding the lord of the mountain.
All my usual complaints about this game are still there: lack of enemy variety, not enough rewards for exploring (beyond the exploring itself), not really any good Zelda dungeons, etc. But they are far overshadowed now by the rest of what this game has to offer: enjoyable puzzles, a world that feels like you really can do anything, fun combat that is accessible but respects the player's ability.
Breath of the Wild really redefined what we should expect from an open world game. Any game with a "ubisoft" design immediately feels old and difficult to get through after playing this one. Great stuff!

Not very good lol I refunded it

Pretty fun for a while but not for so long.

Really fun! Short and sweet too.

It's ok right now. I feel like the UI is not quite descriptive enough so i find myself not understanding line of site and effective range of weapons etc. very easily as a newcomer.

Eventually, after about 30 hours, I decided to shelf this game for now. It just was taking so long to do things. I really tried to get immersed in it, and sometimes I felt that it was working, but in the end I just felt bored.

I think the biggest reason is that the much needed combat and dungeon sections to break up the monotonous (though not always boring!!) daily life, dialog packed sections was not interesting enough. The combat was, in my opinion, far too simple. Others may disagree and that’s totally fair. But for me the knock down + one more system made getting through fights more of a chore than an interesting strategic challenge.

I wish I cared about the characters or the story more in this one to keep me hooked but I just felt like it was moving too slowly to keep my interest unfortunately.

What this game does have is insanely good vibes and the best soundtrack ever. That alone kept me playing for the 30 hours I put into it. The music is SO GOOD!!!!