I will never forget the day I made my first gatcha purchase: It was 2015, spent $3 for a guaranteed UR, got the only girl I dislike.
It made me so angry I haven't spent a single cent in gatcha ever since, thanks you LLSIF for preventing a gambling addiction.

Got this game as a joke because we got a pet rabbit at home and one of the available bunnies looks very similar to him. Aside from a few minigames that last a minute and half you can't do much, but it gave us some laughs thanks to the virtual rabbit acting very similar to the real thing.

While the VN presentation can be a drawback to some, if you got 50 hours to spare I would give FeMC a shot. It’s a pretty different experience to other Persona games thanks to the protagonist being female, and the way other characters react to this, both during the story and on S-Links, is interesting, especially if you have played FES/the male MC route before.
Most of her S.Link are great and you get to interact with the male characters (I’m especially grateful for Ryoji, which really needed some fleshing out).

The QoL changes and skip buttons make playing it a breezee if you only want to play FeMC’s exclusive parts. Plus it’s the only Persona after P2is where you can date characters of your same gender.

If you decide to play the port instead of the original, go with the Switch version so the upscaled backgrounds aren’t as noticeable thanks to the smaller screen.

It was cool at the start, but when the prices for everything started to rise so much and Nintendo's generous gifts are 3-5 leaf tickets, along with the price for said tickets being one of the most expensive paid currency from the gatcha games I have played, it stoped being fun

Has great moments, but unafortunely it's inferior to the original Q game in everything but battle mechanics and OST.
Removed hangouts, mazes have no puzzles (you will solve 90% of FOE "puzzles" without even thinking for a second), conversations revolve around the P5 cast most of the time and despite the game having a movie theme where the devs could've gone wild making up stories without having to worry whenever it made sense, they instead decided to write the same story 5 times with different characters.
The game's OCs aren't as fun and the final boss was very predictable as well. A shame considering how solid PQ was in the story and gameplay department despite being a silly spin-off.

I remember liking its story a lot back when it released, the ending gives a twist to us who have played all the previous PMD games. The nods to older characters in the link/friendship system were nice as well.
What I disliked was the level scaling. Why do battles give you so little EXP? It's almost imposible to level up, you're basically forced to use the higher-level recruited Pokemon instead of training your current ones (including the MC and its partner) for the post-game missions and dungeons. The fun of PMD is to play as any Pokemon you want, but Super made it imposible...

The battle gameplay is pretty different from TWEWY but still manages to be fun. The transition from 2D to 3D was done very well and I enjoyed the new cast. Overall, I had fun with it and don't regret buying it full price. Though its story isn’t as good as the original game, the OST and gameplay sold it for me.

My main complaint is that it has too many characters for its own good, the main party was pretty much the only ones who got fleshed out, the others barely had any time to shine, which is a shame because all the new characters are very fun.

Beatmaps are ok, song selection is good and character design is great. It’s fun for playing casually but if you aim to get a 100% or perfect songs, you will end up ripping your hair off before you achieve that. Note response time is sluggy at times and for some reason the slide and flick notes don’t work properly. No idea who playtested this honestly.

Honestly? It's a fun game if you think of it as a B-Movie rather than a Zero Escape game. It was definetly an experience and I actually enjoyed the new characters.