An enjoyable little soulslike that is well worth playing, especially if you play it on Game Pass. There were some bugs and other frustrating issues that held it back a little bit.

I will start with the good. The art style is very nice and the animations are very charming. The main loop of diving and running the restaurant is nice, although it gets quite repetitive.

Now let's talk about the bad. There are just too many systems that get thrown in that are barely fleshed out. It's a mile wide and an inch deep. Much of these systems just feel like busywork, such as the farming. I think the game would have benefited from having less systems, but refining the core diving and restaurant loop.


Everything in this game is a step up from the Fallen Order. The gameplay, sound, music, and visuals are all top notch. The only huge issue is the performance on PC. It just isn't great and there are plenty of stutters.

Beautiful and intriguing puzzle game with a lot of hidden depth. Some of the puzzles are a bit over the top, but you don't need to engage with them all to enjoy the game. Some of the backtracking could get a bit tedious and the checkpoint system could be too punishing at times.

Decently fun little game. Let's be honest, you probably know if you will enjoy this game. It might be one of the most millennial games of all time though.

Cool game with neat puzzles

A fine game, albeit a little flat and repetitive at times. There should have been about half as many upgrades.

Really enjoyed this. I have played the original about half way through, but never actually owned it. The music and visuals are great. I also got used to the 30 fps pretty quick, although it is slightly annoying to cut the fps in half for a game that came out 20 years ago.

I think the original Paper Mario still reigns supreme for me, but this is a great sequel and improves upon the original in quite a few ways, especially the battling.