the thought of booting this game up again and doing that stupid fucking mansion in noblecourt and having to grind to level up all the characters i haven't bothered to use so i can do their stupid fucking chapters that dont intersect with the other characters' stories whatsoever cause that's apparently too much to ask of a writing team to write a fucking story where characters exist in the same fucking world i forgot where i was going with this. h'aanit best girl

i wish someone would hit me over the head with a brick so i lose all my memories and get to play this game for the first time again

most miserable experience of my life

great game, probably lost 20 years of my lifespan because of it. will finish at some point in the future

good game except for tartarus fuck tartarus

severely disappointed we didnt meet the clown guy sooner

no i lied THIS is the most miserable experience of my life

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average cliche enjoyer: they defeated the bad guy with the power of friendship? splendid

my save got corrupted because i used cheats. my innocent sin really did cause this eternal punishment