November, 2022



Tried this game during Extra Life 2022, it’s a silly little puzzle platformer that has a charming set of characters and unique humor. I have no idea how far I am through it (going through Ray’s head now), but it’s silly fun.




Started this game during Extra Life 2022; it’s an outstanding homage to the arcade beat-em-up’s of the 80s and 90s, no questions asked. 4 of us playing locally made it to the final stages, but sadly didn’t finish it. The minor RPG elements made for a nice surprise and the trophy list doesn’t seem too harsh. I’ll come back to it whenever I have friends over again. :)


Played this game during Extra Life 2022; it’s a simple formula, and one I enjoy coming back to for introducing people to video games and a perfect ‘you died, pass the controller’ game for couch gameplay. :)


Played this game during Extra Life 2022; played and beat the two Arcade games with 3 local co-op friends and was instantly transported back to the late 80s and early 90s. The graphics aged like a fine milk, but the nostalgia was in full effect. I wish I had this many quarters as a kid!



Started this game during Extra Life 2022; I loved these games in 1999 and will love them until 2099, though my skills have and will atrophy at a pace only paralleled by a record setting sprinter.



Started playing this during Extra Life 2022; I adore this homage to the original Super Mario Brothers. Colin Moriarty’s story is superb, the gameplay is tight and the enemy designs are as adorable as they are dangerous. Made it to Level 21 and looking forward to the next 29 levels.



Spent a ton of time trying to figure out where the Captain's Key, power cable, and fuse is in the ship. Managed to proceed away from that area into what feels like the ending of the game. Excited for the story to end.

October, 2022


Started / Finished


“ You lay one goddamn finger on Makoto Makimura… and I’ll bury the Tojo Clan. I’ll crush it down to the last man. That I swear to you.”

And then, the meeting afterwards… some powerful storytelling within these games.


Chapter 13 has had some SHIT GO DOWN. Kiryu in Sotonbori is a weird sight, but the story has absolutely gotten real.


I have made some superb progress and after the final Jack Baker fight, the barge area with Eveline… I don’t know what the fuck to expect! LOL


Made it past the janitor and the kitchen area; this game is a tricky little platformer but I definitely see its charm. Looking forward to how it ends.


About 15 hours in and I think the game is hitting its stride. Really enjoyed the ‘blue keycard’ gathering sequence, but throughly enjoyed the “Happy Birthday” video and surrounding area. This feels like the end of Act 2/beginning of Act 3, so I’m excited to see how it ends.



Started this game tonight; found the puzzle platforming to be rather simple for the opening stages. Currently stuck at "Mr. Long Arms" (stupid cymbal monkeys). So far, the 'scary' factor isn't there yet, but it's still early into the game.



30 hours in, finished Majima’s Chapters 11 and 12. Really happy to see “Act 3” start to come into full view with Majima headed towards a date with Kiryu.


Went digging for the Snake Key in a neck hole, dealt with the wife spider, and got the grenade launcher. Was a good day.




Played through the entire game tonight; really fun game with a unique FPS twist that, that after 30 years of playing FPS, I had a giant smile for throughout.

Started / Finished


Played through Chapter 10 with Kiryu - really enjoyed “Beast” mode in the Tojo Clan area. Story seems like it’s started to intertwine between Kiryu and Majima’s, which feels like it’s been inevitable.


Made it to the Old House , complete with the flame thrower and the evil wife. It was nice seeing my wife again. Shit is starting to get a bit weird.

September, 2022


Another 2 hours into the game and 15 deaths total, the "Daddy" fight with the 'scissors' was fun the first time, not fun the 10th. :) Finally got myself a shotgun and made it outside. Fun times ahead I suppose.


25 hours in and this game absolutely has its hooks in me - the mini games with Majima’s cabaret club/recruiting calls using CP points and the little side missions have me so far off the ‘golden path’ that I simply don’t care. By the time I get back on it and finish Chapter 8, I’m kinda annoyed that I didn’t keep going - the main campaign is so damned good, overlooking the ‘escort’ mission at the end of Chapter 8. Good times.


Played a little bit tonight; got as far as the basement area with a ton of Molded. The game is definitely giving me the jump scares and tense situations, but I’m slightly annoyed that I can’t seem to aim very well with the guns. Regardless, the game is excellent stream content and I’ve been enjoying the story so far.


21 hour mark - hearing Makoto’s story is heartbreaking. I’m going to need some practice with Majima’s cabaret club game though - there are a ton of optional upgrades to dig though.



Starting the game tonight; my wife has changed a bit and Daddy can’t drive worth a damn.



16 hours into the game and some things are simply enjoyable to me as I come back to it week after week. The introduction music is such a nice, tight riff and the build to the end of the song is exceptional. The “Pulp Fiction” style intro of mixing up cutscenes from the story is something I’ve noticed as really clever as well - some of the content I’ve already seen while some of the content walks the razors edge of spoiler territory. The “Shrink Wrapped Dream” side mission had me DYING laughing throughout. Lighthearted and amusing as some of the side missions are, the mirror of how dark the games’ story can get is so well done, with the Awano and Nishiki confrontations after the sewer fight with Kuze at the end of Chapter 6 being perfect examples.


Playing as Kiryu in Chapter 5 was a fun change-up from the normal, 'go here, beat these people up' that I've been used to. Playing through the storyline of having Kiryu becoming a 'honest' real estate agent was a nice change of pace in that it shows the development team wasn't afraid to deviate too far from what they know. Kiryu's run-in at Serena with Awano gives a nice foreshadow into what's to come. Chapter 6's introduction was another curve ball for me with this type of game; being forced to become the President of a real estate company was a nice change of pace, but felt a bit like a 'side mission' for the game. Either way, I'm still enjoying this game and am excited to see what 'Act 2 of 3' has in store.



Tried this game for the first time; I got about 10 minutes into the beginning and mentally freaked myself out to the point to where I was scared to move. Also, fuck subways.


August, 2022


Majima’s storyline ending from Chapter 4 with the meeting in the massage parlor was absolutely nothing like I expected. That twist and the gameplay afterwards was quite fun. Back to Kiryu; laughed out loud at a side mission called “The Show Must Go On” after getting Kiryu’s awful looking white suit. :) Lost 7,000,000 Yen to my first Mr. Shakedown. :(



Finally completed the game. Extremely happy to finish the story and see it through. Pretty sure I got the best ending, so that’s a plus.
