May, 2024


Started / Finished

April, 2024


Started / Finished

March, 2024

February, 2024

January, 2024



Not playing Hotline Miami 2. Got my fill with Hotline Miami 1.


December, 2023

October, 2023

September, 2023



Spent an hour with the game, saw that it was 100 hours to beat on How Long To Beat and that it’s built for multiplayer. Nice concept, but not enough to keep me hooked.

Started / Finished

July, 2023



I started Vampyr tonight, and the takeaways have been quite delightful. The story seems interesting; a doctor turned vampire who is confused as fuck as to what's happened to him, drunkenly walking around a 1910s offshoot of London, looking for a 'drink.' Oddly enough, the first character we use our newfound vampire skills on is [SPOILER], so that sets the narrative help quite nicely.

I made it as far as the boss fight of "Eternal Thirst" main story and found that the fight mechanics feel sort of like those in a Dark Souls game - I kept forgetting about my special attacks and relied too heavily on the melee and ranged attacks, so that'll be a slight adjustment. The conversation sections and unlocking new/hidden context gives me a 'Mass Effect' nod - that tells me that I'm going to end up going down every single rabbit hole narratively speaking, rewarding me with possible hints about the world and oddly, even more, XP when I decide to make them breakfast, lunch or dinner. Using 'Vampire Vision' was a cute wink and a nod to 'Assassin's Creed' Eagle Vision, tracking blood throughout the city in search of my enemies.

Looking at the menus, I'm a little nervous about how many things there are to do in this game and the interconnections of the NPC characters in it. Actions will have consequences, and since I typically only play games once and never replay them, I have mixed feelings about 'failing' vs. simply playing through 'my' version of the game much like 'my' version of Detroit: Become Human.

Either way, this looks to be quite an enjoyable game, and I'm looking forward to next week's play session.


June, 2023



After many, many years of not completing this game, I finally took the time to finish it tonight. The payoff was worth it.

Though the mechanics are fairly simple, the concept, story and the comedy in it is truly nuts and should be appreciated for it's uniqueness. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone since it's so damned unique that I honestly don't think most modern gamers would enjoy it.


May, 2023



Started the game tonight on stream and one thing is crystal clear - this is a statement making game. The fact that the Androids are straight up 2nd-class citizens makes for what seems to be a predictable story arc, but the differences between Connor, Markus, and Kara’s stories are quite interesting at the outset.

The story aside, I REALLY like the ‘flowchart’ aspect of the game and the possible ease of going back and seeing ‘what happened if’ and it’s hidden spiderwebbing of the story.

Controls and audio are what I expect from a Quantic Dream game (played Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls), but the visuals are so much more vibrant from the PS3 games to this release. I could only imagine the photo realism of a PS5 Quantic Dream game.




Finished the game tonight and man.... there are no words to express how powerful the connection between Kratos and Atreus is and has become over the arc of the game. The 'closure' and 'exposure' at the end of the game with the foreshadowing of Ragnarok is something I'm definitely looking forward to, but want to save it for when I get to it.
