June, 2024



Started the game this afternoon, scared of how big the game actually is - I guess I’ll finally find out. Stupidly, I accidentally started the Discovery Mode and almost took a tour I wasn’t expecting to take.

Started the main campaign and really enjoyed the Spartan battle, but it was a bit too much to take in all at once. I’m glad that the modern-day storyline is still in the AC games - it’s the story I appreciate, but sadly it seems to take a back seat a lot. As recommended by 99% of the Internet, I chose Kassandra over Alexios, not only because I can’t switch back but because the AC games have mostly always been dudes, so I wanted something different this time.

I didn’t realize I had purchased a bunch of DLC with the game, I have 12 swords, heavy blunts, heavy bladed, staffs and spears to start with - and that’s only the weapons. 5 complete suits of armor are also in my inventory, I suppose I’m going to start overpowered, and that’s fine with me. Looks like I’m going to run around Ancient Greece in Ezio’s clothes and weapons. :)

I’ve noticed choices in the character dialogue, I like this addition to the game as sometimes that conversations get super dry. Final thought: Markos is an asshole, but I love him for some reason. Also, I forgot how nice the ‘fast travel’ system is in modern AC games - hopping on your noble steed and saying ‘ride here’ provides a nice little view of all of Greece as you ride by, discovering little places here and there (or updating a journal entry, or google searching that AC: O runs at 60fps on PS5 while only 30fps on PS4/PS4 Pro).



Picked up at Chapter 14 and after a major plot event, I’m without weapons and ‘hunting’ like in the first 2 games using stealth and now poison weapons. I really enjoy this part of the game over than the platforming because this is a bit more ‘die until you figure it out’ and less ‘look for the white paint to proceed’. The story has gotten a bit darker as well, I guess because of the aforementioned plot twist. Thankfully, that darkness only lasted about a chapter before things got a bit brighter as we enter San Juan.

At this point, I’ve given exactly zero cares about side missions and loot gathering, I am on a rocket flying to the credits since the story has seemed to ramp up significantly. To my surprise, there is a ‘point of no return’ that disables fast travel until the story campaign is complete, so completionists have a chance to 100% all of the areas if they wanted to.

The final mission and the final fight was sweaty; the environment, music, and gameplay elements were immensely satisfying. The story ending was fitting and made perfect sense.


Picking up where I left off, I finished the final 2 tests and wound up in The Hidden City of Paititi.

The Hidden City seems to be a 2nd place, like Kuwaq Yaku, where merchants are found, side missions are unlocked and more and more loot can be found. The only issue I have is the same as many games like this - I keep getting sidetracked with the loot grind, wanting to upgrade this bow, buy this costume, or find that relic. I appreciate the work that Crystal Dynamics put into the game, but I’m getting to that point of the game where I’d rather focus on the golden path than deviate from it.

I can’t tell if it’s because the story is more intriguing than the side content, but something makes me want to ignore the side stuff - I’m thinking it’s because the side stuff isn’t really worth it (I haven’t hit a difficulty point where I need upgrades?).

After about 3 hours of steady game time tonight, I’m about 37% completion of the entire game, made a ton of golden path main story progress, and according to a spoiler-free walkthrough, on Chapter 14 of 21. I probably blazed through one-third of the entire story tonight, but that’s OK - that is the good stuff. :)


Spent a whole lot of Father's Day evening getting some gaming time in. Started exploring Kuwaq Yaku and have unlocked about 50% of it. I seem to be a massive loot goblin, as I'm consistently scanning every 4-5 seconds for salvage, plants and anything else I can hoard. Decided to pause the game at the Trial of the Eagle after finishing the Trial of the Spider and Trial of the Jaguar. I wish the hieroglyphics simply stated 'you're going to platform one hell of a lot'.

I feel like the game is starting to open up now with more things to do in more side missions and collectible hunting, but in the same way that the ocean is wider, the more and more I just want to go deeper - I'm not as interested in doing the challenge tombs or the crypts, but I know there is loot there. I want to continue on 'the golden path', but the upgrades seem worth it so far.

I think the game needs to be renamed Shadow of the Loot Raider.


Finished the young Lara segment - that took a left turn into dark territory.

Completed my first challenge tomb and crypt, seems like a lot of loot and upgrades to Lara can be found there. I did the first one and am at 47% complete in the Peruvian Jungle area, but I can't guarantee I'll 100% the game for them all.
Fought the Empress Jaguar in the first area; it was a bit challenging considering I forgot how to craft arrows. Jonah is a great side character, providing an emotional beat for Lara's 'go-go-go' attitude.

Really enjoyed the sequence as child Lara - gives some nice backstory to lore that wasn't known before.



Started the game tonight; noticed immediately that the game looks absolutely amazing in high frame rate. I like the fact that the difficulty sliders have variations for puzzles, clues, and enemy AI, though I decided to keep everything on normal. Game looks and feels like the other two previous Tomb Raider games, but that's a very good thing. Story seems super hokey, but that's one of the charming things about this gritty reboot of the series.
