The game feels really hollow compared to the last games. Its lacking a lot of the content that makes it feel like an Animal Crossing game and honestly feels a lot more made to make money. Characters feel a lot plainer with no distinction or variation in dialogue. A lack of furniture items that appeared in all previous titles just has me waiting for more updates to keep me going at all. Being a loyal fan of the series makes me want to keep playing, but it makes me sad that I'm already burnt out on a game I waited so eagerly for.

really very cool! i watched my boyfriend play

Always fun to play online, but can never play for too long since I'm horrible at doing heists and all I do is drive until someone flies over and shoots me in the face with a rocket :)

Really love it and want to see more but didn't get very far before having to stop. Have to play in small sessions, but I'll finish one day

Fun game when you just wanna pick something up and build something for a little while and then abandon it and never return

I love <3 Such pretty artwork and interesting story. Like pretty much everyone, P5 was my first real introduction to the series (aside from Persona Q), and I'm hooked. Just have to find a way to play without getting a headache from playing too long.

The amount of times this game has saved me when my computer or phone had no wifi.... Sometimes I just turn my phone on airplane mode just to play

I remember this game from when I was like 10 and it was always a good time. Came free on one of my old laptops and played it to death

It was fun but I don't like smash so I didn't play it much