best thing ever back in the day cuz you get the console and u got all these sick games that come with it already what a treat. what a joy. I love tennis.

this was rlly fun cuz you didnt need the game to play with friends who had it and i never actually owned it but I remember people bringing their ds lites to school and we'd sit under the tables and play on rainy days at recess

bb got for me played with dog and then broke 3ds

i was poor so i never got the finish

got this to fill my zoo tycoon hole and it was alright but i hate the building

it had me really hooked for like 3 days i couldnt put it down and kept getting mad when my people died but eventually i figured it out and my success became boring so i guess thats it

love that shit will play it till i die

barely played this and i was player 2 and i got frustrated and gave up

i had some fun but it was kinda boring

i liked it enough but i dont care to pay for my games

i love killing aliens i get sucked in for days and come out of it feeling like a god