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23 hrs ago

bunyn shelved PokéRogue
changed to unrated what a shit show.
Sam announced his departure from the project

The general chat on the Discord descended into chaos, with many people bashing Sam for his religious beliefs

People started spamming trans rights in the chat, which resulted in some people responding with transphobia

A mod tried to shut it down by targeting the people spamming trans rights, rather than the transphobic comments. They referred to the trans topic as something that makes some people uncomfortable, which pissed off the trans community

The one active mod began shutting down chats, with the community finding a workaround by creating threads. There was a general resentment for the mod due to their comment on trans stuff. The mod continued to double down on his stance before apologising a couple of hours later

Speculation began that the mod team was generally not supportive of trans people. Around this time, someone leaked a chat with Sam showing his negative stance on LGBT+, supporting the speculation

A couple of new mods came online and tried to assure everybody that the issue was being dealt with. One of them (newly appointed community manager) quit within a couple of hours due to in fighting between mods and being told to play PR on the LGBT+ stuff despite being LGBT+ themselves.

Despite calls for the mod team to take a strong ‘no bigotry’ stance, the mod team put out a statement banning all political talk, making it clear they intend to sit on the fence on this issue

2 days ago

2 days ago

3 days ago

4 days ago

bunyn completed Crow Country

4 days ago

bunyn completed Braid: Anniversary Edition
about as original as the review section.

5 days ago

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