Game was visually beautiful and the who darkness stuff is really cool and interesting. My only complaint is that the puzzles were way to annoying and confusing for me that shi had me lost all the time but it’s probably just me doe.

“ for the second time Alan, Wake Up !! “

I got to tell you, it was perfect. Perfect. Everything, down to the last minute details.

A Generational Game.

This game for me personally is one of the best games I’ve ever played in my 18 years of living.

From the soundtrack to the gameplay, the story and characters it was all amazing.

There is genuinely no complains from me.

I don’t want this to be to long but if I had to talk about one thing it’s definitely the immersion of the characters. It literally feels like you personally know them yourself sometimes, it’s an amazing cast dawg.

One more thing I wanna talk about is the gameplay. That shit was fun as hell, especially with the whole special summons.

Peak gaming right here bro

DLC - it was cool and decent and helped me fill the time for rebirth

Everything in this game was fire bruh… these persona games keep getting better n better

That running maze picture thing at the end pissed me off bruh

Cutscenes game actions carried … the running around stuff was boring as hell

First persona game and it was great…. and the soundtrack goated

Decent game never played the original so this was decent….. but I’m definitely gonna check out the new one