I love the gameplay of Soul Calibur but this was lazy af with the storytelling.

Every character has a story mode that begins with a very long scroll story at the beginning and a half-assed cut scene at the end. I don't really know why they bothered pretending story mode and arcade mode were different things.

Finish date is based on beating story mode for every single character on the disc (including Yoda for the Xbox 360 version). Due to how late I got the game, the Star Wars DLC licensing had expired so I never had the chance to get Darth Vader from the Microsoft Store.

This really rocked the hell out of this concept. There are SO many Pokemon and the scoring and different levels of poses give it a ton of replayability.

I pretty much just played it to beat it and called it a day, but my daughter has pumped 75 hours into this thing.

All she wants in life is for Pokemon to be real and this is about as close as she can get.

Makes me wish the Switch had VR support.

Green Day was like half my personality in high school. When American Idiot released in my junior year it was the single greatest album I had ever heard in my life.

This has all the normal Rock Band mechanics you'd expect and the ENTIRETY of American Idiot, so for that alone I have to give it a near perfect score.

It also includes the entirety of Dookie and, with a pretty small DLC purchase, the entirety of 21st Century Breakdown (I think it was missing like six 21CB songs otherwise?).

It's hard to complain because that is a LOT of fantastic songs, but I still wish the albums in between Dookie and American Idiot had more representation or at least were offered more DLC down the road.

Finished date is based on beating all songs with 5 stars on Hard Guitar. I have since also beaten all songs on Expert Bass with a minimum of 4 stars.

This is good stupid fun. Even the half-assed story mode would be enough to justify picking it up on sale.

Very possibly the strongest in the series that I've played, but I completely missed the 3DS era. The story is very good and the rest of the gameplay is exactly what you know and expect from Pokemon.

Finished date is based on catching/evolving every Pokemon available in this version after completing the main story and post-story sidequest. I have no means of trading with anyone so that is as good as it gets.

What an absolutely magnificent fan hack. It's just FireRed at its core, but is the only Pokemon game in existence where you can catch and evolve EVERY Pokemon through Gen 3 in a single game without any need for trading.

Finished date is based on fully completing the Pokedex.

I bought this in college but only ever made time to through the first half or so.

I still own my DS and this game but decided to play on an emulator on my phone just because it was more convenient and that's what allowed me to finally complete it.

This trading isn't an option I had to settle just for catching/raising every Pokemon available in this specific title, but my finish date is based on successfully doing that long after beating the regular story.

For a game only cost me about $5 on sale in the estore, it was certainly well worth that low price.

I'm a big fan of puzzle platformers and this one paints a beautiful landscape with neat mechanics.

I would've loved more of the low gravity platforming levels though.

I am bad at this game, but it is very fun and plays beautifully on my Android tablet.

Finished date is based on beating a full run with The Ironclad. I have yet to beat with any other class. Even though I almost always lose I still always enjoy my time with it and that's what matters. I've at least gotten TO the final-final boss with all of the classes, I just always fall apart right at the end.

In college, Rock Band and Guitar Hero were staples of every party, but I never actually owned Rock Band myself.

I bought a full Rock Band set with 1, 2, 3, and Lego Rock Band in the summer of 2021 to play with the family and it has become my most played series since getting back into video games after a 10 year hiatus mostly because of this specific title.

Rock Band 3 is the closest to perfect rhythm game that has ever been made. The amount of DLC is incredible and has happily cost me hundreds of dollars. The exclusive inclusion of the keyboard that was removed from Rock Band 4 will also insure this REMAINS the best game in the entire series unless Rock Band 5 (which seems like a thing that will never happen) brings it back.

Finished date is based on beating all songs with 4 stars or more on Hard Guitar. The progress tracking on this is great, so I have also beaten 4-starred or better all DLC (I have nearly 200 DLC songs) on Expert Bass and varying difficulties of Keys.

I cannot describe how much I love this game.

In college, Rock Band and Guitar Hero were staples of every party, but I never actually owned Rock Band myself.

I bought a full Rock Band set with 1, 2, 3, and Lego Rock Band in the summer of 2021 to play with the family and it has become my most played series since getting back into video games after a 10 year hiatus.

Finished date is based on beating all songs with 4 stars or more on Hard Guitar. Rock Band 2's menu is a little lacking in tracking your success on each instrument so I moved on pretty quickly and have never gone back to try to beat it with any other instruments.

In college, Rock Band and Guitar Hero were staples of every party, but I never actually owned Rock Band myself.

I bought a full Rock Band set with 1, 2, 3, and Lego Rock Band in the summer of 2021 to play with the family and it has become my most played series since getting back into video games after a 10 year hiatus.

Finished date is based on beating all songs with 4 stars or more on Hard Guitar. Rock Band 1's menu is a little lacking in tracking your success on each instrument so I moved on pretty quickly and have never gone back to try to beat it with any other instruments.

Yet another very fun game to play with my son. Great character unlock system and lots of fun Pixar easter eggs to compliment a story that spans both movies and a bonus "Crime Spree" post game.

Finish date is based on completing the main story and post-story. The game has since been 100% completed, but it happened so gradually I don't know when it happened.

Great fun for the whole family. The kids love the minifig creator and they loved the tracklist even if it wasn't to my personal tastes.

"Finished" date is based on beating all songs with 5 stars on Hard Guitar. I'm pretty far on Expert Drums, but they take up too much space to leave out all the time which means I go really long stretches without thinking about them.

Paying a dollar to turn off ads quickly turned this into one of my absolute favorite time killers on my tablet. I even beat the full story mode twice and was addicted to the daily puzzle for months afterwards.

My only complaint is there is no system to make getting every single weapon really feel possible without driving yourself insane. Way too many repeats in boxes even of high rarity weapons you already have.