One of the most beautiful and unique little puzzle games I've ever played.

I'm not sure it would feel worth more than $5-10 to buy, but as an included Game Pass option, it is was absolutely worth every second of my time I gave it.

This cost me literally $2 in the Xbox store and my son and I have at least gotten that much value out of it already, but it is slow going on convincing him to continue the story with me since you ONLY play as either Batman or Robin and their powers abilities change based on their costume within the level.

He likes more variety and the other Lego games have been better about providing that.

Update: I decided to just finish it myself as an easy game to mark complete. Some major control issues at times and bad forced camera angles would put this in the lower tier of Lego games.

For a turnbased strategy this felt like it was babying me even when I was what seemed to be about halfway through the game so I ended up quitting from boredom.

It must just be for younger kids than I assumed.

Fun and highly amusing. I think I'd have been disappointed if I'd paid much for it, but since it was just part of Game Pass it was simple and cheap fun for the whole family.

I enjoyed the benefit of playing this for the first time almost five years after it's release, which meant I missed a lot of the drama and disappointment this caused at the beginning.

The version I played in 2022 including the Resurrection expansion was nothing but delightful. It made me feel like I was in the Star Wars universe in a way I'd never felt before, from the sounds to settings.

"Finished" date is based on finally beat the last campaign in the Resurrection expansion. There was a big gap between finishing the main story and starting the epilogue though.

Everything about this game is fucking beautiful. I did not at all expect something so simple to make me feel things, but this did on multiple occasions.

Another title everyone in the family ended up playing and beating.

All achievements unlocked.

All newcomers unlocked. Arcade mode beaten with MOST characters, but not all. Final boss is an infuriatingly overpowered and cheap piece of shit.

Another game that I forget exists for MONTHS at a time. I will play through a world, turn it off then let the game sink to the back of the list, way off the main menu, out of sight and out of mind. I will finally open it again an entire season later, beat another world and then repeat the process.

Reverting with joy cons was nearly impossible, but once I got a pro controller for the Switch this became way more fun.

Finish date reflects 100% all levels for THPS1 and THPS2 with custom skater and completely maxing out the custom skater's stats.

For a while I had the goal of maxing out all character stats to unlock all their videos, but it became tedious and also coincided with finally getting an Xbox One with Game Pass which meant I suddenly had way too much to do to worry about being so thorough with this.

The single most played game in my entire house. Even my wife joined in and got more addicted to it than anyone.

I do think it probably helped that I hadn't played an Animal Crossing game since Wild World and this is DRASTICALLY better than that, so I was very impressed by how much fun there was to be had.

Finished date is based on when I managed to get the highest possible ranking from the HHA. I'm still working on the expansion every now and then and would love to complete my critterpedia, but there are too many other games to play to make it that much of a focus.

Same as White, but I played through this one so I could say I had caught and evolved every Pokemon from Gen 5.

Very possibly the strongest in the series that I've played, but I completely missed the 3DS era. The story is very good and the rest of the gameplay is exactly what you know and expect from Pokemon.

Finished date is based on catching/evolving every Pokemon available in this version after completing the main story and post-story sidequest. I have no means of trading with anyone so that is as good as it gets.

My brother and I started this Christmas of last year, but we live hundreds of miles apart so we're progressing a little slower than even one chapter per month.

It is a really oustanding game though and I'm crossing my fingers we'll find time to finish it before the end of the year.

Update: We finally finished it Christmas break 2022 almost exactly one year after we first started it.

Very possibly the best co-op game I've ever played.

I really need to give this the attention it deserves. I have no excuse for how little I have played it. I've probably 5-10 hours and they were great but I got it for Christmas with like 6 other games and it kept getting put on the back burner for other things.

I got halfway through before a new more interesting game made me forget this was an option through virtual console.

Really really fun for a Nintendo Switch Online freebie though.

I love the Beatles and this game put a lot of fun and care into the overall style of this. The songs list should have been absolutely massive so the final tracks on here feel a little disappointing, but realistically there was no world in which everyone's favorite songs were all going to make the cut.

I am bummed that I didn't get back into the Rock Band scene until years after the Beatles DLC licensing expired because I probably would've still bought a lot of it, but that's my fault for taking a ten year break from gaming.

My biggest gameplay complaint is that some notes were very hard to see with star power activated and despite such a massive library of songs to choose from there were still a handful of songs chosen that I straight up do not like. It's also always annoying on these games when they smash two songs together and make it impossible to play just one song or the other without playing both.

Finish date is based on beating all songs on Hard Guitar with 5 stars. I have since also beat all songs on Expert Bass with 5 stars.