I never played the original when it released, but it is VERY easy to imagine this being a perfect 5-star game in 2009.

In 2024 it is still a really great game. The story and item collecting and ability growth is all very fun to progress through. The combat is pretty repetitive and nearly all the boss battles are just "mob battle + one special trick you have to figure out". The sewer level was also boring af and the stealth controls weren't as accurate as it seemed like they should've been at times.

Still loved in general and hope that the sequels only get better. $10 for the whole trilogy feels like an absolutely steal as even this by itself felt easily worth ten bucks.

Very nice to look at with lots of cool ideas for a puzzle platformer. The cat-like companion is especially memorable and both the story and quick finish time really worked well for me.

A lot of the mechanics become pretty repetitive and most of the difficulty comes from unresponsive controls. They really need to patch the drone robot controls to improve this game's legacy. It was bad enough to die repeatedly because the hovering sensitivity was inconsistent, but repeatedly killing my beloved cat-alien? Devastating to the experience.

Beat both the Rockumentary story and the main career with guitar on Hard difficulty and will now spend the next several months replaying all my old DLC and getting new DLC across the other different instruments.

If they hadn't dropped Piano support this would be absolutely perfect. Unfortunately I will have to keep my Xbox 360 forever because Rock Band 3's keyboard songs are still some of the best this game has ever been.

The game looks like shit and it's clear that they do not care, but the gameplay is very fun and has a lot of new mechanics that help make leveling up way less tedious. There are ton of Pokemon to catch, the different story paths are all cute, and the general experience was very satisfying.

If they had made leveling up just adjust around an average or you Pokemon or any kind of similar equation so you could truly go in any order you chose, I might even have given it a 4.5 despite how shitty it looks, but the game is still relatively linear just masquerading as open world.

The best indie puzzle platformer I've played to date. Even better than Inside and Limbo. Completely satisfying when you figure things out and it never feels like you're struggling due to bad design or controls. The rules change in build on each other in ways that keep it from ever getting stale.

The only thing lacking is the story, which I'm pretty sure developers might believe to be one of the most deep and profound stories ever told, but mostly you're just a little bug astronaut hauling around magic marbles and that's still very fun.

Even by kid game standards this is very bad. It feels like a rough draft of a video game. My six year old seemed to mostly enjoy it but even my nine year old only took 30 minutes to decide this was not worth playing due to how weak the controls and animations are. Has glitched to the point of needing to be reset multiple times.

Even as sloppy as this story is, this is the format ALL fighting games should use for a story mode in addition to arcade modes. The idea of building a story around jumping from character to character for 3 or 4 fights at a time is such a fun way to test them out even if the story is weak.

I know I'm way late to the game on this but wow. Totally understand why it's on so many Best of All Time lists.

Is this primarily aimed at children? Probably. Was I ever a child? I sure was.

And that's why this Halloween-based RPG was absolutely some of the most fun I've ever had in October. It isn't hard; just fun and repetitive in a way that really appeals to MY gaming hobby of enjoying my free time with limited challenge. I loved this for all the same reasons I still enjoy Pokemon as a 36 year old man. It's. Just. Fun.

100% with all costumes, battle stamps, and cards.

Considering this beaten after completing arcade mode with all characters including DLC. I wish there was more of a story mode. I wish it felt like there was more thought and effort put into the catch phrases.

I only paid $5 for the full game on sale + $4 for the DLC just because.

I had fun with it. Certainly $10 worth of fun. It feels like a rough draft and I hope they build on it in the sequel. There's loss of potential here.

As relaxing as an actual hike but in the comfort of an air conditioned room, just as Satan intended.

The greatest difficulty factor is a weak camera but other than that it's a very fun, cute little platformer.

This and the MK11 Ultimate as a double pack for $10 is possibly the single greatest deal I have ever gotten on a video game.

I beat the story mode last year through game pass but honestly just getting to check out all the DLC characters and add it to my library was well worth $5.

For such a cheap game, this was very fun to play with the family and the kids have gotten continued use out of it when friends come over.

NeatherRealm has the most fun and entertaining single player story modes in the fighting game world.

I bought this on sale for $5 or less, so I feel like I got my money's worth just by beating the story mode. If it had been the deluxe version, I'd probably play arcade mode with all the DLC characters before calling it finished, but I'm satisfied for what I got. It was nice to see the complete story since I had played Injustice 2 through game pace a while before this.