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obsessed with this game. on one hand i think games should be at their best quality when they release, but i am glad larian takes the time to patch any bugs or fixes, or even new content entirely. as of writing this, i have yet to play through the epilogue they added in the latest patch, but my biggest gripe was how unsatisfying the ending felt, so im glad that issue has potentially been fixed.

any other issues i have with the game are entirely minor and didn't really take away from my enjoyment: textures not loading properly sometimes (especially in later portions of the game) and how some npcs will take forever to act during combat. not like im giving the game a pass for these things, but im not too worried about these issues as long as i can still complete the game. plus i know larian has been adding fixes throughout the months, so its not like the game is just left to be like it was when first released.

anyways, onto the good things ^_^ i think maybe the feature i enjoy the most is the impact class and race have on dialogue- both how you react to others, and how others react to you. its fun having my character properly acknowledged, and it provides more incentive for replayability. its just one little example, but i really enjoyed playing as a cleric on one of my runs; youre able to mention your faith, and even your specific faith at times, and it was rather enjoyable romancing gale as a cleric, since we both had a connection with a god(dess) ^o^

speaking of romances, i do really enjoy the companions- both in a romantic and platonic context. i had a select few i enjoyed from the very beginning, but i eventually grew to love them all. they all have their own beliefs, and morals, and personal goals. i love the overworld banter when youre walking around, and the reactions they have to what you do. i think the voice actors did an amazing job with their roles.

i dont have much to say about the combat of the game- its fun..! i like working with the class of my character and bringing along certain party members who i think are best suited for a fight, but thats about it. ive only ever played on easy, just because i prioritize story over everything else, so i can't really comment on it fully since i havent seen everything it has to offer. i do enjoy the standard easy - normal - hard selection of difficulties, but i am glad they added an honour mode and a custom mode. honour mode sounds like a fun challenge that ill probably never complete, and custom mode offers me the opportunity to do one thing ive always wanted to do: have multiclassing on easy mode.

i truly think this is the best game that came out in 2023. theres a reason i keep coming back to play it, even though im someone who generally doesnt like replaying games, especially when ive already recently finished it. however, with the range of customization, patches that either improve or add content, and possibility to find something i initially missed, there is always a reason to make a new playthrough.