really good ending made me cry but story has glaring flaws and the games progression is soooooo fuckiinggg boring sometimes

an interesting start that gets completely ruined by a quite frankly delusional story and the very VERY heavy incest forced down your throat throughout the story

great soundtrack great worldbuilding and story that ends up just feeling made up on the spot along with characters that just feel shallow.

Saya no Uta is amazing, genuinely one of the best openings for a story ive ever read, and just such an interesting and unique concept specially for its time. His situation makes for an amazing bittersweet relationship with Saya, which was often grueling to read, in a great way. I really would absolutely worship this game if it wasnt for the authors fetishes being absolutely plastered throughout the game, literally derailing the games story in my opinion. Eventually all the mystery is gone and the game just becomes a disgusting noncon monster porn game, which feels specially as bad when the story is already extremely predictable.
Still a fine read, I guess. And the music is great.

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An incredible story with writing beyond clever that had me amazed at almost every chapter. It doesn't start very friendly, specially if you pick the more "Broken" Princesses at your first few loops, but learning more about the Princess while losing what youve already established about her is great, and very worth the while. The game has some routes that are definetly very lacking, some even aren't interesting. But they are very few, and acceptable when the quality is sky high in most chapters already. Play. Don't read anything about it. Just play.