43 reviews liked by cevo

> Die
> Kill your Brother
> Drive a VW Golf
> Get your dead brother's gf

better watched than played yourself because that way you get to experience the fantastic story without having to slog through the gameplay

crazy game with an even crazier fandom

Really bad gameplay (like actually terrible) with a 10/10 story. I'm torn.

god give me strength to finish this

i would rather swallow glass than play this, but boy is my mouth itchy and i already swallowed two gigantic pieces, that third one is looking exceptionally delicious

>Five Years in development
>200 Premium Cars
>B-Spec is just half-baked Pokemon
>Online playing a big factor
>Screen tearing
>DLC is lost media
>Getting Licenses is very easy
>The game reminding you that it's offline in the main menu cutscenes

still had fun

Escaping from prison, you kill a guy who has an AK, and nearby on the table there's a knife. Take a guess, which one of these weapons the game lets you pick up and use.

I love Oblivion and this game gave me the same feeling Oblivion did in 2006, plenty of people got filtered by this game which is understandable, its not for everyone, but jesus christ be praised do i love it.