I pissed out 3 kidney stones by the time I finished first 2 routes, and I was only able to do so because on the day 10 or so of the haruspex route I discovered a console command that speeds up the gameplay. The dialogues and story are so deep and good I'll definitely need to watch some playthroughs later on in life because I'm not replaying this shit.

Haruspex is definitely a more interesting character along with his harvesting and brewing mechanics but his quests end up kinda falling behind bachelor's as you approach day 12.

The most hollow and stupid game I ever chose to complete. Tried playing it's dlc's for the sake of completing the franchise and they were even worse so I had to drop them.

Great and unique concept and setting. The only multiplayer-only game where people want a sp campaign. But the crytek continued its tradition here of producing badly optimized, glass-leg, messy games. Servers suck the most ass here, just randomly disconnecting people on top of already running on measly downgraded 30hz (from previous 80) which is unheard of.

Too many damn fighters locked behind the dlcs. EA-esque...

Overrated. Second half of the game is unfinished mess. Its "fans" have someone else's nostalgia tinted opinion instilled in their head and just mindlessly d!ck ride this game.

I see the appeal which is the setting and lore, but the gameplay is meh, (main) story drags on too much and is mediocre, rpg elements are laughable. Though, one of the rare games where choices mean something which is very commendable. Slightly overrated and people turn a blind eye to many of its faults.

If you don't have rotted tiktok brain with 0 attention span and patience, this will be one of the best and most unique games you will ever play, which is insane considering its production value.

This should've been a (short) movie with how little "game" there is in this game. Plain walking, bad optimization, bad levels, just about nothing about playing this game is enjoyable except for the narrative.