Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 25, 2023

First played

June 18, 2023

Platforms Played


UPDATE: Ok, so the more I think about this game, the more I like it. I still stand by how basic mechanics are janky, but the story and the premise, the non obvious things that the game sets up is incredible. I haven't stopped thinking about it for ages. Bumping it up to a 4.5 (was a 3.5)

I think SH2 is best described as an early horror walking simulator. The base mechanics of survival horror game are not good. Controls are janky, puzzles that make no sense and environments where its not very clear how to progress (the first apartment block area is notorious for this) but SH2 delivers on its atmosphere and story which is the reason to play this. Perhaps if I played this at the time it would have stuck with me more, but I thought this was ok.