games you should but won't play

fuck you. your taste is shit. play these games because i like them and my taste is better than yours - or something

i really just want these games to get more recognition so that's what this list is for

you THINK this is a flight slim about flying planes, but it's actually a techno-as-fuck arcade shooter fused with metal gear solid

do NOT play the localized version. it's missing like 80% of the game. fan translation or bust
GOD TIER atmosphere

"gameplay is dated" yeah whatever buddy. if you grew up playing any ps2 platformer you can most certainly handle this
play this game unless you're a chump who can't handle things that are different
you can climb on walls and ceilings with a fuchikoma and there's cool cutscenes by production ig
made by the guy who did tetris effect. better than tetris
if you don't like working designs you probably take yourself too seriously
maybe the most ambitious 8-bit project period. fucking legendary
sure the gameplay is outshined by pso2, but you know what pso2 doesn't have? actual atmosphere

still playable via clementine:

unfortunately there's no clyez city 3rd floor scammers in this version, but it's still close enough
better than any other pinball game. better than actual pinball. fucking goated
this is a jrpg with a really inventive and interesting battle system - so naturally fans of the genre typically overlook it
not recommended if you don't like gameplay in your rpgs
trico listens to you just fine as long as you aren't a jackass to him

don't let tlg detractors own pets
remember that ball from kirby? turns out he's in a puzzle game that's better than most kirby titles
crisis core if it was directed by trent reznor. fuck outta here if you dont think that sounds hype
screaming traumatized junkie teen blows evil scientists up with his mind while a plagiarized "terrible lie" loops in the background. nothing else quite like it
jim cummings makes fun of you while you rip monsters' intestines out of their assholes. it's pretty good
wetrix is on like half of the lists i make for a reason
dragon quest but awesome


mahjong is like poker but actually good

i'd actually recommend mahjong soul, but i baited you into clicking this instead because the cover art is better

here's a good resource:

i'd also recommend looking up a yaku table. just having an image of different yaku to refer to while you're getting the hang of things is nice


what if i don't like the last guardian because of how the kid controls instead
I remember Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire when I was a kid, it was really fun but people always told me the original was better tbh

2 years ago

@compost then you just dont like good games and thats unfortunate

@red the original is not better at all in any context
no the kid just controls like shit

2 years ago

he controls perfectly fine and his shortcomings are made up for by teaming up with trico. that's the whole dynamic and purpose of the game

2 years ago

calm down

2 years ago


2 years ago

based the last guardian enjoyer

2 years ago

People who complain about TLG controls deserve to have their fingers shocked every time they try to game.

2 years ago


2 years ago

played a solid half of these and yeah based picks but i don't think star ocean 3 really fits here? it's a popular game with a vocal but fairly small hatedom regarding the twist

2 years ago

star ocean is way less regarded than the tales of series and tri-ace in general doesn't get enough respect

2 years ago

Star Ocean 3 sold 1.5m units worldwide on PS2 + sold a good amount on PS4 + has an 80+ on gamerankings/metacritic from critics and users alike it's honestly more regarded than like 90% of Tales games. I think Radiata Stories is more underrated

2 years ago

i rarely ever see anyone talking about so3 and when i do see it they're usually just shitting on the story or saying they heard it was bad. regardless this list isn't solely about obscurity - if it was i wouldn't have lumines or pokemon pinball here - these are just games i like a lot that i feel are overlooked compared to other ones

2 years ago

Eh my friend group at least loves SO3 so idk, I always see it brought up more than the other SOs but fair on the latter part

2 years ago

I played Star Ocean 4 and 5 and I've heard about 3's really stupid twist why should I subject myself to this.

2 years ago

nearly every twist sounds stupid if you just hear about it from word of mouth without any context - especially from people who were bitter about it on day 1 for "ruining their favorite game!!!" so3's narrative isn't amazing but it's cool and gets better after the twist

either way so3 is carried by gameplay over narrative, and it's a hell of a lot more mechanically thought out than so4 due to having an actually functional targeting system

2 years ago

SO3 is prolly kino

If theres one thing I've learned, it's that many people are extremely dumb motherfuckers when it comes to JRPG takes. Can't take any of them at face value no more.
jrpg takes are always insane
for example, there's people out there who actually like xenogears

2 years ago

You think that's crazy? I've heard of people that actually like Persona 3!
@PKMudkipz 🤯 that's crazy
TLG controls are worth complaining about honestly but they dont detract from how good the game is
But its honestly the camera more than the controls

2 years ago

there's literally nothing wrong with the camera or the controls in tlg. never had a single issue

also compost i don't think anyone's stanning xg for the gameplay. it's a mess but there's some revelations in the second half of the story that justify it for most people. prime example of "it gets good after 1000000 hours" shit
nah the camera is def shit but again, it doesnt hinder the game even tho it is indeed an issue

2 years ago

gonna have to chalk that up to a you problem chief
me? that's literally most people's problem with the game along with the controls, it aint just me

2 years ago

nah I'm def stanning Xenogears for the gameplay it's extremely fun, challenging and varied with approaches to enemies and gear sections. I think deadass most people are just playing it wrong which is why they just spam melee deathblows for shit like the G-Elements fights when they should have elemental deathblows by then, for example

also the twist in SO3 is cool
when the ghost is in the shell 😳😳

2 years ago

i'm sorry c_f but you lost me there at the notion of xenogears being challenging

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