It's fun to play. Partly. But Just Cause 3 has already done all this game can offer.

Perfect game for 13-years old kid

Really love this game. I, unfortunately, missed it when I was a kid and I think for kids who love tmnt series it's the best game to play.

I beat this one only because I like tmnt so much and I do not recommend to anybody to do the same.

Probably the best story in video games history

It's like the best game I ever played or something.

hate myself every time I play it

Pretty fun game, nothing special

It was..... such an expirience.

I was tricked by steam reviews, wich says 87% positive. I thought Mind Control Delete is a great succesor of one of my favorite indie games. It's not. Game is tideos, artificially lengthened and simply not fair. Your walkthrough depends mostly on luck. New abilities that you earn progressing the game just sucks compared to what you got on the start. I'd rather replay superhot a few more times.

The emphasis was on excessive violence and cruelty, not good gameplay and game design in general