3 reviews liked by coalsome

One of the best Soulslikes that can easily keep up with fromsoft games

The combat is incredibly complex but still very refined, allowing for vastly different approaches to play every playthrough. You get enough resources to change your build as you like or to adapt to a certain boss, but it's also viable to just stick with one playstyle for the whole game.

I've rarely seen such a consistent Boss roster, there is not a single boss I would call bad, some are easier than others and some are one of the hardest in the genre, but none feel too frustrating or too unoriginal and boring. Even the Gank boss is fun to fight.

I also love how the story is told, it's a perfect mix of environmental storytelling, through item descriptions and regular storytelling. It lead to me reading more item descriptions than in any other game and connecting to the story and npcs a lot more than in most soulslike games.

The Environments weren't too varied but just enough to keep them as interesting as they can be while still staying true to the victorian setting. The abundance of different mechanics can get overwhelming, but most of them are entirely optional and can be ignored if you prefer a simpler playstyle.

It's really impressive how a fairly small studio achieved to have their first soulslike be as good as the ones by fromsoftware, who have a decade of experience in the genre

So good they had to stop selling it

Wasteland 3 is fine, basically. You can have some decent tactical battles in a world that is modestly interesting. But in a dozen hours the game didn't give me too much of an idea of who the characters I was controlling were, and I encountered a fair amount of jank and bugs along the way. I don't hate it, but I'm not playing it anymore.