The controls are tight, but the level design bores me to tears. A step down from 64 and Sunshine to me.

One of the best, most replayable adventure games you can sink your time into. You have a lot of freedom to decide how to go about any given task, whether by brute force, stealth, diplomacy, or some combination thereof. On the note of freedom, there's also faction endings and different clans with their own abilities to incentivize starting a fresh save once you finish it. Everything about the game is memorable to me: the moody rock soundtrack by Rik Schaffer, the sprawling hub worlds with their own dark vibes, and a cast of characters all chasing their own agendas. It's fucking peak.

The only thing holding this game back, unfortunately, is its age. It's a borderline necessity to download the Unofficial Patch before starting, which restores cut content and implements some much-needed quality of life fixes.

Simple gameplay loop--catch survivors, hook survivors--with a lot of mechanical depth. It's addicting trying to find the best build(s) for each killer.

Admittedly, only one half of the asymmetrical gameplay really grabs me. You'll only catch me playing survivor if I'm with friends, given that the most optimal gameplan is to sit at a generator and succeed at an occasional QTE.

Shadow the Hedgehog is like half ironic so-bad-it's-good enjoyment and half sincere fun. Bump I Am All of Me one more time.

Never seen a game land an aesthetic so effortlessly. Great cosmic horror. The gameplay, while fun, can be boiled down to "optimal choice vs. less optimal choice." Still totally rad.

Frustrating chase mechanics will make me drop your survival horror game.

Solid RPG with crazy postgame content.

If you look really, really close, there's an INKLING of an interesting game in there.