i think this game is bad but full voice and hidari art are p cool

Hard to call original or groundbreaking, but the presentation elevates to high points. Also OKINO!!!

Impossible for me to evaluate fairly on any level. The game that has given me the worst brainworms.

A side story all about what it means to be a side story. All your characters always ask why they and their actions never amount to anything, and the conclusion to it all is beautiful. Just tiring that both this and the original Cyber Sleuth are both like, 50 hours or so.

I don't like saying pieces of fiction changed my life, but SeaBed definitely informed my perception of grief. I'm completely in love with this VN and there's nothing like it. Also has the relationship that ripped my heart out the most.

Everyone talks about how bad the gameplay is, and I very much agree, but everything else about the game make me fall in love with it. A strong aesthetic with extremely emotional writing.