Cool as hell game. This one's for the sisters.

My favorite Atelier in terms of writing. Lydie and Suelle is basically a fun SoL anime, and I love it for that.

Fun, but the way taking the more chaotic(?, forgot the right word) route is easier no matter what is kinda discouraging.

The most anime FE. I think it's fun but I don't like how the story gels with the mechanics. Very weird.

I think this game is a bunch of wasted potential but all the gay ships and fanart give me life.

I have many issues with this game, but it ain't bad for a first version and I still have fun.

My C-Sion may suck, but this game? Not in the slightest. Play Melty.

I think it's too simple for it's own good at times, but I still remember the ideas in it. Still gotta embark on the full Exa_Pico journey, so I can't wait to these ideas develop. やがて錆びた剣を囲んで緑の蔓が這う悲しみの記憶を包んで is one of my favorite lyrics.

A game after my own heart. Nothing else holds grips it so tight.

Hands down the most ambitious Atelier game. I'm not a fan of the writing, but the way simply exploring the world forms a narrative around Firis' dreams and such manage to move me. The happiest an Atelier has made me. I think that says a lot.

i suck at platformers, so i cant comment on the gameplay
but celeste sticks with me for how well it's gameplay meshes well with what it wants to say
and it isn't too heavy either, big fan

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The more I think about this game the more I dislike it lol.
Idk, the bullying/suicide part rubs me the wrong way.

The most underrated fighting game on the planet. I put this above SF in terms of testing footsies and reads.

My personal favorite GG just because of Bridget.