Log Status






Time Played

12h 6m

Days in Journal

11 days

Last played

November 19, 2023

First played

November 2, 2023

Platforms Played


I thought it was a hoot! I mean, let me be a skateboarding dog and everything else is pretty much window dressing right?

Honestly though I love the colors, the diversity and the way it maps familiar gameplay mechanics to social situations. It was a bold choice to structure it the way they did; they drop you right into the middle of this person’s life and you get to know her and her family and friends as they all fight about what happened in the past. There were moments when the negativity got a little overwhelming. But your sweet dad is always there at the end of the day, and I think they managed to pull off all the various reconciliations without becoming too saccharine or contrived.

Some individual elements felt a little undercooked, but it didn’t really bother me given the small scope and big ambitions. I’ll take a slightly unpolished passion project over something super safe any day. All in all I really dug it and I’m really looking forward to what’s next from this team.

…and you get to be a skateboarding dog.