Doesn't break new ground in the genre, but it's fun, well paced, and never frustrating. One of the purest games I've played in a while.

A wonderfully creative game that costs nothing but your time. The ideas presented in each maze, and across them all as a whole, are so neat. Highly recommended.

Surprisingly poignant. I always enjoy personality tests and remain surprised at how accurate they end up being (acknowledging that, yes, these things are usually fueled by confirmation bias) and this one is no different, even if wrapped in a gaming package. Curious to play through it several more times to find more things and see if it reinforces my own thoughts about my personality.

Decent puzzle game in the vein of "The Room" series. There's a sequel tease at the end but it looks like there's no sequel in sight and that depresses me.

Would be damn near perfect if it had just a bit more content. Otherwise it's everything I was hoping it would be.

An okay mystery VN with multiple endings. Not sure if any of the endings are bugged, though discussions lead to me to believe the "best" ending is a bit fiddly. I got two endings and not sure if either one is the "best" version.

The price is fitting and it's worth at least one playthrough if you like experimental sci-fi narratives.

Saw a lot of reviews comparing this to Obra Dinn. While I can see where they were coming from, this is definitely much easier and simpler to figure out.

Not a huge knock against it, mind, as I love pure detective games like this. I do wish there had been a "hard mode" though.

Still recommended, but maybe play Obra Dinn afterwards if you haven't already so Golden Idol doesn't feel quite as simple.

Buggy, boring, and too much of a shameless ripoff of Golf Story without any of the charm or polish that game had.

One minigame softlocks the game by not letting you continue after winning, and I've encountered two side quests where the NPC "breaks" and you can't talk to them to finish the quest.

Really fantastic puzzle game. Not too difficult, nice and relaxing.

Runs a little too long, but it's not a horrible Myst-like. There's a few audio puzzles and a few color-based ones, so if you have any issues with those you may want to have a guide handy.

It's really not that bad, but maybe it didn't need to be a Fallout game?

Some of the 90's rallies are soooo loooooooong, but it's still fun all the way through thanks to the feel of each car and an ever-growing mastery of each stage.

Made my brain hurt in the best way. Definitely hard to figure out the logic sometimes (I guessed more than I would've liked to, basically) but it's still a fun time.

Focusing solely on the gameplay (I do not play or care about MUT) I think this is one of the best Maddens in years. The animations feel much better, and the running game in particular shines because of this.

Is it perfect? HA, not even close. But it IS fun and the story mode is so incoherent that it's worth playing through multiple times to see how good your QB can be when they get benched their Senior year.


One of the best roguelikes I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Not only is the gameplay great, but the story (something so hard to nail in a roguelike) is amazing. I care about every character and their fates.

Also Dusa is bae.