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Silent Hill 3

Mar 09

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An enjoyable game from my childhood that I have replayed dozens of times, there are calls for a sequel however I do not believe it will capture the magic this game had. mindless fun that I would recommend to anyone who enjoys pressing buttons and giving people a beatdown.

I really want to like this game. It has some really fun core gameplay but like so many have said, in it's current state it can make you downright miserable to play this. The matchmaking is absolutely god awful, either you're stomping the enemy or you're the one getting destroyed, balanced games are rare to come by but when they do come its quite fun. Ranked holds no weight at all since a team of silvers have the chance of matching up against grand masters. The tutorial only touches on the bare basics and if I had to explain everything they had missed in it, I'd be typing an essay.

It's a shame that this one fault ruined the game so much for me and others, I wouldn't encourage anyone to play paladins but if you do play in a party of 5 to get the best experience so you don't get slaughtered by the horrible matchmaking.

I hope one day I can come back to this game with all its problems fixed so it can become enjoyable once again. The gameplay is fast paced as well as strategic, each champion feels unique bursting with personality, all the tools are there for this to be a great game but the matchmaking tanks the quality of this game.

A masterpiece, my only regret is playing this because it now means everything else that I play from now on will be a disappointment compared to this. I will never experience playing this piece of art for the first time again..