June, 2023




1h 25m


Started playing again after getting frustrated at the game, got to green boss but it just felt frustrating rather than fun...





2h 0m

Picked up the game today and it felt a lot more fun to play today :3 ive been turning off hints and its been rly fun trying to analyze the tracks and cut the fat to ace the levels. I miss yellow tho :(




2h 0m

Also noting here that all hours r estimated !!! Noticing this session how much this music BANGS.... also while finding the gifts is kingd of annoying, i love how it unlocks side levels that mach all of the neons personalities!!! The levels are set up so you kind of play like the neons in question. Rly fun :3




4h 18m

Played for longer than iwas expecting to...... trying to get the presents was kind of killing me even with a guide. Glad i stopped i needed a break, but this game makes it so easy to just keep playing!!




2h 15m

First impressions - movement is so good its hard to put down!!! That paired with the instant restart,,,, this game is dangerous. I also rly love the story, its so goofy they are such dorks....



1h 45m

Fun game :33 made it past a solid amt of puzzles... ifk what it is abt it but puzzles make me sleepy




0h 20m


Had this on itch.io so i downloaded it.. way more charming than i thought it was going to be!!! Puzzles were rly fun and inventive... wall IS me.....




0h 25m

Beat the real estate guy :3 got stuck on slide puzzle and stopped.... i fucking hate slide puzzles... also isnt it kind of insane that they put this much effort into a DEMO?????



0h 20m

Played a bit while watching junkers is here (didnt finish yesterday)... spent wayyyy to much time setting up my steam deck today smh




1h 45m


First game i played on my steam deck!!! It is good + funny and kind of hard??? Gonna keep an eye on the fat jokes they feel.... excessive




0h 15m


Started this today, played this while my sister plaued p4 and my other sister scrolled on phone... then we watched junkers come here :3





1h 30m




3h 0m
