Technically didnt finish it but i played this with my friend at work and made 11 dollars playing this !!! Love the ceraphim minigame the most... go whence you came...

heyy i stole like 407 dollars worth of stuff heeyyyyyyy...

ouh my god.... love i rly SAW fish... also best priced water omg.. squid ink is the new gamer girl bathwater i suppose :3

this game is probably NOT 4.5 stars actually, but i think based on how much this game has remained in my mind... i think it garners it. My tumblr banner is a screenshot to this game. I show the parasite music video to all of my friends and random people i meet. I think about the fish flopping so much......

this game owns soooo hard... taking pictures..... neon genesis evangelion...... the SOUNDTRACK???? ohhhh my god half of my love for this game is the soundtrack istg. anyways very fun charming game :3

will drop anything when i see this in the arcade.....

everyone hates on this game but they just don't want to see a girlboss thriving (getting gifts from an otherworldly being)

only has less stars bc you have to use the screen for flick notes instead of using the thumb sticks... also for these games almost giving me arthritis.

HATSUNE MIKU..... i love u and ur little ditties thank you for making my vita purchase worth it!!!

i. i had to stop because this game gave me awful motion sickness but what i saw was cool :)