7 reviews liked by daekie

Wish I could visit Guild Wars before it became Graveyard Wars. Often I hear these praises thrown at MMOs along the lines of not having to deal with randoms stealing your mobs or loot, pk-ing or griefing you out in the world; more lonely experiences that allegedly combine the best of single and multiplayer titles. And here I sit, twiddling my thumbs, longing for that asshole side of the genre, considering resubbing to Blizzard's giant but then remembering I'm not completely lobotomized. There could be hundreds, thousands of people playing Guild Wars at any given time, but you wouldn't know since they're locked in their own worlds, these sprawling instances, possibly having the time of their lives. My experience for the most part was akin to playing a Diablo game, except for occasionally being reminded of it being online and of my grubby east European roots by my character timeshifting, afflicted by the higher ping hex. But the game's damn fine and I can certainly see the praises, for the time especially. Classes are fun as fuck and experimenting seemed fun; creators genuinely nailed some of the fantasies like the necromancer being great at raising dead servants as well as peeling others' skins, making one wonder how this practice is approved of in the world of Tyria. Considering that you are able to recruit companions on top of having these summoned skellies, I didn't so much have a party as much as a fucking army. But combat is sadly all you can do in this, no profession leveling, nada.

To say that Guild Wars was a completely asocial affair would be a lie though. I couldn't experience its namesake and I'm not sure you can anymore, but the arenas were also empty 24/7, meaning I never got to see the lauded PvP side (maybe at max level?). It was still a pleasant surprise that people would whisper me in hub zones to do missions together. Coop makes it so much more fun and the community is genuinely friendly. Back in the tutorial zone I actually forced myself to look for players to help me clear high level mobs at the gates, something that isn't associated with any quests or necessary in any way. To my shock, a person in guild chat responded straight away that they'll be bringing their alt to help in a few minutes. The pre-searing area of GW is one of the comfiest zones ever and some players even have alts that simply never leave it, never advancing the story that ravages this peaceful land akin to WoW's Cataclysm that came 5 years later. They reach max level with these characters in just the tutorial world, a dedicated grind all for the purpose of helping the newbie community and bragging rights I suppose for that sweet cheevo. Clearing these dumbass charr alone at such a low level is suicide, but proved easy with just a duo. Guild Wars is still a fun time and playing it with others makes one forget about the loneliness of the instanced world.

I did make one mistake when I asked this helpful person what they think of Guild Wars 2 and if maybe it would be worth playing over the original. Their personality did a 180° switch, as what I can only assume was some deep rooted PTSD and hatred I wasn't aware of. They proceeded to curse at me in 5 different languages, after which I got DDoS-ed and repeatedly doxed. It came as a slight surprise that I woke up one day to find my family murdered by an unknown assailant - blasted fool forgot I took monk as my secondary so I rezed them up without a hitch.

this one's for the sickos. it's slop for girls. the somniel stuff is annoying (i was never fatigued by three houses' hub, idk why) and everything in general is stupid, but even a shoddy localization can't ruin how delightfully dumb the whole thing is. the combat is also the best in the series, as far as i'm concerned. but i'm not concerned about the combat at all. i'm here for the 2-dimensional characters and making my chess pieces kiss, and i'm pretty decently satisfied on that front

the gameplay loop is fine, i enjoy that well enough. i downloaded it honestly because i thought it would be a fun idle game and i could look at some decently attractive men in the process but honestly it just ended up pissing me off.

the writing is horrendously annoying. i know this is personal preference, but my personal preference is not this. there were a couple good gags, but otherwise the characters repeat the same 5 lines per relationship rank and it gets old fast. also, the designs are uninspired at best - they share basically zero characteristics with their animal forms other than eye and hair colour. you really made the wolf guy a skinny white twink who wears pristine dress shirts? really? at least three of the characters look near identical and at least two DRESS identically.

then there's the pegasus, eli. he is literally a homophobic stereotype, and i don't accuse writers of this lightly. it's actually genuinely offensive. you can really tell from the get-go that this was made for straight women and not gay men and it's incredibly unsettling to play as a gay man.

anyway, bad game! do not recommend. make something interesting with this gameplay loop and maybe i'll come back.

That's that and this is this.

this game has permanently altered my brain chemistry (positive)

I just think it's funny they introduced a canonically nb character on screen before FFXIV, a game with a famously predominate queer fanbase, got an even remotely canon queer rep. But also the story is good and the gameplay is fun and the world is so fucking beautiful.