You mindlessly wander around trying to find out what to do. What riveting gameplay.

You just wander around and kill guys. Just another mediocre licensed game.

Another mahjong game and I still don't understand it.

I am not even going to pretend to understand this game. Even if I did though, I probably still wish I was playing something else.

An okay puzzle game with a cool novelty. Of course, you could just cheat by not using R.O.B.

Wow another mediocre shooter

It's kinda just a worse Mario Bros. You kill all the enemies to move on and they just push you around and you also have shurikens.

Another mediocre ninja side scroller where you kill guys

This game is boring and the levels are extremely repetitive.

An okay puzzle platformer with wonky screen scrolling that makes it annoying to play.

This licensed Disney game is actually pretty good?

This game is interesting, but it has not aged well.

This game is so brutal. You can only take two hits and the enemies are extremely obnoxious. It's not even worth suffering through because it's nothing special. Also, the music is awful.

Just a licensed game with little substance. You just shoot planes then eventually land your plane. It's not bad, but it's not good.

You just go around collecting bombs in forgettable levels.