This game is boring and the levels are extremely repetitive.

An okay puzzle platformer with wonky screen scrolling that makes it annoying to play.

This licensed Disney game is actually pretty good?

This game is interesting, but it has not aged well.

This game is so brutal. You can only take two hits and the enemies are extremely obnoxious. It's not even worth suffering through because it's nothing special. Also, the music is awful.

Just a licensed game with little substance. You just shoot planes then eventually land your plane. It's not bad, but it's not good.

You just go around collecting bombs in forgettable levels.

A very unique game where you try to figure out the pattern of your opponents and beat them. A few instances of NES bullcrap but still good.

I ranked this way too high. Apparently the Power Pad sucked as you had to stomp the buttons for it to work. This is probably a 4/10 because of the Power Pad but I am not sure because I never owned one. Solid experience if you emulate it though.

Solid minigame collection that uses the Power Pad. I don't have anything that can be used as a Power Pad so I moved my legs at the same time I pressed keys on the keyboard and it was decently enjoyable.

The most basic and boring shooter ever

This sucks. You just walk around and kill guys and the combat is awful. It is so stiff and janky, and it makes the game difficult and frustrating and not in a fun way.

This arcade game is fine. I am really struggling to come up with things to say about these fine NES games.

You just walk up the map while shooting guys. It's yet again a fine NES game.


A mediocre shooter with annoying beeping.