Lovely, short, and beautiful game

A beautiful musical puzzle game with gorgeous sound design; very relaxing while still stimulating

A fun and good-kind-of-weird short puzzle game

This is apparently not my kind of game but also so many things are not available without paying for them and my fan seems to think it's time for take-off when this game is open

Lots of dialogue which dragged the beginning down for me but definitely worth it to get to the end!

Amazing game! So beautiful and relaxing to play

Amazing art, fun dialogue, and lots of routes to discover; you can play this over and over again

A game to just sit down with and relax. Also nice for writers and DM's when thinking up the look of an island. I do wish there was an option of a square building grid for those of us who want things to be symmetrical & a first person camera (plus some people walking around) would really up the immersion sense.

Fun game to play as a brain teaser

Literally only fun while designing a house

Relaxing and fun game for the escapist mind

The beginning is definitely fun; lots to build and explore! But I've restarted this game a few times now to try and actually get through it because I hate leaving things unfinished but I think that's exactly where this will go. The quest requirements are unclear, the distances between important places is too great (welcome to the walking simulator), and having to wait for the right time to get things done gets tedious plus the weekdays take too long to get used to due to them being little symbols that can look alike. Unfortunate since it has a lot of potential story-wise.

Lovely subtle storytelling, nice art style, and satisfying as all hell