7 reviews liked by daniqlo

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As of right now, I think this is the best gacha in terms of characters and story. Yes, it is a horny game. It's very clear in their intentions and honestly I respect that. They don't censor themselves and thats something I support because I hate censorship. Let's start with gameplay: imo it's not the greatest or anything, you mainly just point and shoot while occasionally triggering skills. Not really boring but not neccesarily all that fun. I do enjoy how they make the combat more engaging with the bossfights, having to hit certain weak points to survive and it can get hard. As for story; it's surprisingly great. It has a pretty iconic prologue and for good reason. It's a gut wrencher. I haven't caught up yet (I'm in chapter 12) but from what I'm experiencing so far I really enjoy it. The world building is great. The Events: honestly they are about as good and sometimes even better than the main story at times, at that's saying something. Overture, Red Ash, Snow Fairy are some events that are fucking incredible, my jaw was wide open by the end of them. I legitimately couldn't believe how good those events were. Music: the music is awesome. It's a general mix of dubstep and a sliver of metal, which are genres I really like. Characters: the writing in both story/events and character bond stories are all great. They take the time to humanize each NIKKE, showing you their goals, aspirations, hobbies, backstories, relationships and their overall growth as a character. Despite being machines, they feel more human than the humans themselves. I'm not sure what it Is about this game, but I really do feel like I have a bond with some of these NIKKEs, which every gacha I've played so far (like 15) failed to do (apart from some characters in HI3). Whatever it is though, I love it. The devs are also super generous. I mean, in the span of like 2 month they gave us like 100 pulls free. Speaking of which, the gacha: the gacha is fine. When you play this game for a while you'll find your inventory of NIKKEs to be full of SSRs. They aren't particularly hard to get but the gacha itself is still a little questionable. Finally, the character designs. I feel like this game has the best designs in gacha ever. I dont think ive disliked a single one.
Overall great game despite the fanservice. (Which I'm a fan of)

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