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3 days

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May 19, 2024

First played

February 18, 2023


Idk why it took me so long to finish the english translation but I finally just did... and man, I'm starting to believe that all of these games are equally good and that I'm just nitpicking when deciding which ones I like more. I don't like it as much as 1, sure, but it's still basically a perfect game that leaves a very similar impact. I'm just so, so glad it has an english translation now. Humanity needs these games.

The translation is out! Y'know, it really is a magical moment when a game like this finally gets a translation. A game that you love so dearly, one that you consider one of your favorites. Just seeing that opening cutscene with english subtitles, finally being able to understand the intricacies of what was going on. I got a little emotional!

Boku no Natsuyasumi 2, like the first one, is something of a masterpiece, and now is more accessible than ever before. Whoever you are, please play this game. It might just change your life.

Translation can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92070798

Brilliant, just like the first one. I wouldn't say it connected with me just as much, but that doesn't take away from the fact that this game does so much to improve upon the Boku Natsu formula.

The world in this game, compared to the first's, is massive. There's so much to uncover, way more characters, way more events. It's an overall much bigger feeling game, while also having the quaintness that the first game has. That, plus new additions such as being able to swim in the ocean (which is so fucking cool btw) makes Boku Natsu 2 such a fresh experience. I also heavily fuck with the new setting, featuring a small waterside village rather than the more grassy, rural area from the first.

I think why I don't like it as much, though, is the fact that the story didn't do quite as much for me. It's great, no doubt! Many moments hit me emotionally, and I loved all the characters so much. But I feel like the simplicity of the first game was more appealing.

That being said though, Boku Natsu 2 is an absolute joy and a well worthy sequel. I'm so excited to play 3 and 4!!