For what it is, basically a perfect game. Takes everything awesome about the original games and modernizes them. Beat em ups have never felt this good. Plus just the presentation just oozing charm, there's straight up hip hop songs that rock in the soundtrack! I fell so in love with this game and I can easily see myself playing more to get more achievements.

A bit of a lower effort version of Turtles in Time, but I kinda fuck with this game more presentation wise? I think that's just my genesis bias coming through. I can't in good conscience say it's better than the SNES one though.

I've never watched the show, but just from this game I can tell how much personality is there. Such a vibrant, fun game. Not the best feeling beat-em-up I've played, but a damn great one.

It's a fine game, mostly well made, but it gets SO boring later on. I really wanted to finish this but at this point I have no drive to do so.

Also what's with the weird enemy hit detection? This game is weirdly unpolished...

Eh, don't really feel like finishing this one. Just kind of a generic mario game. Fun, but who cares?

Sometimes you play a game that maybe isn't the best in the series, but it feels like the one that's made for you. That's Shattered Memories for me. A game that delves deep into topics that resonate with me a lot. A game that, after two pretty unoriginal or weak entries, feels like a game that is actually taking advantage of what makes a franchise like Silent Hill so amazing. A game that is just, so fucking beautiful. I get not everyone will like this as much as me, but if you give it a shot, you might see something truly special.

Immaculate vibes, man!

I will always have New Leaf as my preferred Animal Crossing game, but after playing this for a bit I really respect the origins of the series. Sure, its more simple, more rough around the edges. But that makes it interesting! It may not have the endless content of New Leaf, but its got a unique feel, I respect that.

I will definitely be playing this more. I may write more detailed thoughts once I play a lot more.

Got a PS5 for Christmas!

Sure, this COULD have been more. But for what it is, this is such a fantastic tech demo. Really showcasing everything cool about the system's hardware and the controller. Also, the Playstation references just made me happy. Seeing Robbit here filled my soul with joy!!

I have barely played the original version, so I'm not going to be talking about this game as a remake at all.

I fell so deeply in love with this game immediately. Everything to the world to the characters to the simple but fun battle mechanics. It all works together so well and creates an adorable, funny experience. It's so consistently fun and entertaining, I almost wish it was longer! It makes me super excited to play more of the Mario RPGs as well.

Jet Set Radio Is So Fun When U Ain’t Got A Bitch In Ya Ear Telling You It's Aged Poorly

This is a better Smooth Moves, and considering Smooth Moves is my favorite WarioWare, this is my new favorite.

This game is tough! But that's refreshing to me! Some of the poses they have you do are really challenging and it definitely gave me an actual workout at points. Because of this I had to kinda play in small bursts cause I'm weak lol, but this was really fun! It's refreshing after GiT for the series to just return to a previous gimmick and flesh it out even more. Also the cutscenes are so good and cute and fully voiced. Awesome game!

Decided to stop playing for now, got half way through and I don't have much of a drive to keep playing. Neat game aesthetically! Very cool that this was on the DS at first. It's sad that as a game it's just kinda... bland.

I really wasn't expecting this, but Mario Wonder might just straight up be my favorite Mario game ever. It's full to the brim with new, unique, fun ideas. My entire playthrough I was so happy and excited to see what was next. If it's not the best Mario game, it's at the very least my favorite 2D Mario!

The translation is out! Y'know, it really is a magical moment when a game like this finally gets a translation. A game that you love so dearly, one that you consider one of your favorites. Just seeing that opening cutscene with english subtitles, finally being able to understand the intricacies of what was going on. I got a little emotional!

Boku no Natsuyasumi 2, like the first one, is something of a masterpiece, and now is more accessible than ever before. Whoever you are, please play this game. It might just change your life.

Translation can be found here:

Yea I... can't. I really wanted to beat every Silent Hill game, but I think this game was really bringing me down. I fucking hate this game so much. It's not even horrible to play, it's just such a bastardization of a franchise I fucking love. So yea, fuck this game, it's not even worth discussing more.