My House is cool! Lots of lore and design were put into this, and I respect that! Unfortunately, actually playing this was frustrating for me. I didn't end up beating it, so maybe I'm missing something really cool. I may watch a playthrough or something. Idk.

Back on my bullshit again, it seems...

I have a kinda weird relationship with this game. I love it a lot, but I consider it to be a weaker entry in the series. I just have tons of little issues. The huge amount of tutorials, the annoying roadblocks, the fact that there's almost too many moves you can do. Just lots of minor annoyances. Doesn't help that this was my first time playing a THPS game on the GameCube, which that d-pad was not made for games like this.

But... despite all that, I really love the Ethos of this game. It almost feels like the most Authentically Punk game in the series! Yes, some of the crude 2000s humor is an eyeroll, but the rags-to-riches story is really endearing with some fun characters and plays around with the history of the sport in an interesting way. Plus, it's still a Tony Hawk game! It's tons of fun! These levels are top notch. Sure it's not a true open world, but I respect the ambition a ton.

Overall, it's hard for me not to love a game in this series. The only Neversoft one I don't love is Proving Ground. So even a weaker Tony Hawk game still fucking rules.

This was a really unexpected hit for me! I kinda knew I would end up enjoying it, but I loved this. It's such a cute, bite-sized experience full of charm and personality. The world is shockingly big, with tons of areas each with shops and people to fight. The combat, while stiff, is satisfying and fun to get the hang of. And I love the little romance-tinged plot. Trash talking your opponents is a fun mechanic, even if it's easy... idk, I feel like it doesn't sound like the greatest, but I had an excellent time with this! It's a shame this is the only one in the series that got localized... I'm gonna still try the other ones out and see if the language barrier is too much.

It's a fine game, mostly well made, but it gets SO boring later on. I really wanted to finish this but at this point I have no drive to do so.

Also what's with the weird enemy hit detection? This game is weirdly unpolished...

I finished this game in 2 days, which is absolutely unheard of for me.

I've had an interest in Millennium Kitchen games for a while now, specifically the first Boku no Natsuyasumi. After giving this one a try, my desire to play their other games only grows, because this was an absolutely magical experience for me. Pure bliss from beginning to end, I loved pretty much everything about it. I know some people think this style of gameplay doesn't work with the Shin-chan franchise, but I disagree.

it's uhh... hard to really know what to say here! it's short but definitely fucked with me. clearly about mental health but i'm unsure of what it's really trying to say? maybe i need to think about this more...

i do relate to the struggles with medicine though. it's been really hard in my life to find a medicine that really, well, works. i'm thankful that i think i've reached that point for now, but it sucks that others aren't so lucky.

What a weird game... the elephant in the room here is that this game fucking sucks on original hardware. On vita, which is how I played it, which both analog sticks, it's pretty good. Playing it with the d-pad and face buttons actually is painful. It sucks.

This feels like a weird budget spin off more than an actual Katamari game. The missions are super repetitive and while some of them change the formula in an interesting way, most of them are just "oh roll bigger." It's like, I've done this before! Just on a console where it feels much better! I guess playing on a smaller handheld is pretty novel, but overall I would skip this one.

It's more Jumping Flash! Still just as fun, still just as surreal, still just as great (for the most part). The problem here, though, is that Jumping Flash 2 brings pretty much nothing new to the table. With that in mind, it could be seen as a kind of disappointing sequel.

Man, I wish I knew Japanese. This game seems super good! Maybe a bit easier than past entries but that's ok. But, so much of this game hinges on the personality and dialogue, and I just... don't understand it. Granted, that's not the games fault, obviously, but it definitely affected my enjoyment. I'll definitely pick this up again when either a fan translation comes out or I learn Japanese better.

Cranked out the Dolphin emulator for this one! And honestly, this might be my favorite one! I had some trouble with the motion controls at parts but once you get in the groove of it it feels like WarioWare was MADE for them. This is also the wackiest, and most challenging in the series. Lots of fun!

This was my third time beating this game, and this time I beat in in 2 days lol.

Anyways, this is in my top 10 favorite games for a reason. The Tony Hawk franchise was heading in a different direction at this point and adding a story mode was the logical next step. Sometimes I wonder if this is truly my favorite TH game (3 and 4 are very close behind), but I think this playthrough truly solidified that yes, this is easily my favorite in the series.

Hell yea! This one's also great! Sure, it hasn't been localized so the dialogue definitely went over my head, but there was a handy english guide I found that explained what was happening in all the cutscenes which made me appreciate what this game was going for story wise. And yea, while Badass Rumble lasts maybe 6 hours, this one was nearly 20 for me! Story wise, it's much bigger in scope, and there have been many gameplay tweaks to make combat and such more fluid. However, due to the world being scaled back a bit, I ended up not enjoying this one as much. However the school was super fun to explore, that one area was massive.

Shows a lot of promise! In terms of aesthetic, it absolutely nails the Silent Hill PS1 look. I know a lot of horror games are trying to emulate PS1 graphics but I don't see a ton that specifically try to emulate Silent Hill.

The gameplay's a little underwhelming, but considering this is basically just a teaser for what I assume will be a bigger project, I can excuse it. Go show these devs some love and spend a few bucks on this!

Echo Night is such a vibe, man. The dark, eerie ship, the slow, methodical movement, the lack of music... it creates this strange tension... one that's hard to describe. It's creepy! I wasn't really invested in the main story but I really enjoyed this just for that feeling of exploring the ship and helping out the crew in whatever situations they were in.

Cute, and genuinely funny! I had a great time with this. It's obviously much smaller scale than other Millennium Kitchen titles, but that doesn't matter. It's a beautiful little game with a nice lil world and fun characters.

The only game from them I have left now is Bokura no Kazoku... idk when I'll get to that, but from everything I've played I expect that'll be a good time too!