Come on, man, it’s Doom, what do I need to say that hasn’t been said already? Truly a master class of gaming, as well as the genre it helped create alongside Wolfenstein 3D. Level design and enemy placement does get a little wonky once you get into the later episodes, but the silky smooth gameplay and badass soundtrack personally made me bear it a lot more. This game is historic for a reason, and it is absolutely worth your time to find out why.

This is the one time an internet egirl has coaxed me into doing her bidding and I promise you that's never gonna happen again because this game made me want to fucking kill myself

At its core, the game really is just a fancy looking pedometer, but it's the stuff you get to do BECAUSE you decided to take that walk through the park or the neighborhood that really makes this worth checking out. My only complaint is that the game is really confusing when it comes to getting the special Seedlings because you'll swear on your life that Seedling came from a restaurant, but the game says it's a Roadside Seedling. Not really a big deal, but I'd prefer my Pikmin collection not be filled with Pikmin with a simple sticker on their head. Overall, though, definitely check this out and maybe it'll slither its way into your daily routine like it has for me.