This being a co-op heavy shooter in mind, it's easy to ignore the story as throw away, but they somehow manage to add more than just "kill da bugz". Some of the levels can be kinda repetitive especially near the end, but overall a slightly better than average experience. Considering it's price, this and Isolation are the best Alien games out there.

Overlong, bloated and dumbed down compared to the previous titles, this God of War is one of the biggest disappointments in gaming that I've experienced. Gone is the jump button, pulled back camera that makes you see the fight arenas or the epic scale apart from some moments. Game focuses on very light RPG mechanics that's barely fleshed out with some level gating thrown in. What's worse is you have no idea on the level of the side quests in this game, so instead of taking a break, you most likely will be one shotted by most of the enemies outside of the story.

One of the best video games of the seventh generation. In terms of story, it has one of the most mature and well developed main characters in any video game. The ship combat at first seems gimmicky but is quickly fleshed out into one of the most interesting and fun mechanics in any video game I've seen. Coupled with great supporting characters, aside from the villains since they pretty much suck, you have what's probably the best AC game of all time. The tailing missions do suck, the combat can be simplistic compared to what came before and after and in a lot of ways, it can be considered an asset flip of AC3, but unlike that game, this one does it way better.

It's not a perfect game, far from it. It's pacing and some of the restrictions and linearity of the missions can be extremely frustrating and confusing sometimes, but even despite it's many issues, RDR2 is a masterpiece of story telling, characters, immersion and detail. Arthur's story and character is one of the most realized things I've seen in any game, expertly voiced cast and characters with an attention to detail that surpasses any video game in the last 20 years.

By far the best out of the "Souls" games apart from Sekiro and Bloodborne. In a lot of ways, this is the most polished and most well paced title in the series given it's options of weapons, armors, locations and bosses. DLC's are excellent, and the difficulty is the most fair and balanced in this series without never feeling too easy.

A solid title despite some issues. Game's story takes a while to get going, but once you start, it's probably one of the better gaming experiences I've had of the 8th generation of consoles. Some of it's rougher edges like the pacing of the story in the first and the third act can drag out, and it's main gameplay isn't very unique compared to other titles in the open world genre, but at the very least, all of the mechanics seem more polished than a lot of the open world stuff we get these days.

Despite some annoying back and forth in the second half and repetitive bosses with the Chozo warriors, this is the best 2D Metroid game that I've played up until now.