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February 12, 2024

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I could sit here and write an extensive review of the three games, but in the end it all came down to three things. Impeccable sound design, the cases unfolding with such a masterclass of drip feed information as you figure it out along with Phoenix is likely only matched by follow up games in the series and when I played Ace Attorney 1 the first time, I didn't do the additional case for the DS. I thought it was just touch screen gimmicks. Years later as I replayed the game, someone told me it was the best case. They were right.

Often the biggest criticism I hear of these games is the puzzle solving is stilted and you should be able to present evidence when you know an answer but Phoenix doesn't, but that's the problem isn't it? Phoenix always comes to his own conclusions, rather than being a blank slate. You need to guide him to those conclusions. Not that there weren't times when I felt Phoenix should be at a certain point when I felt I had a case, it's just hardly egregious or game breaking from that perspective.

Here's to 8 more games.