It's a good game with clearly a lot of care and attention to detail put into its creation but, I dunno, it just failed to grab me. Played for a couple hours (first two maps) and just never felt like I was engaged or continuing cos I wanted to. Never jonesed for more, never thought, "oh, I wanna play some more Kirby." It's technically fun, but a little too... simple? Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. It's casual fun, for sure; I can imagine booting this up and listlessly whiling away the afternoon—but I can't actually do it. Not a game issue, but a player issue.

My least favorite aspect of the Pillars of Eternity games is the Real-Time-With-Pause combat, and this DLC emphasizes that very aspect. The story is fairly interesting but barely there.

For several hours this was the most fun boring game I'd ever played, but eventually, it became overwhelmingly dull and annoying.

Greeaat pirate framework sorely in need of RPG mechanics, interesting quests, connective narrative tissue, or all of the above.

Seriously, someone take this and make a solid solo pirate exploration game.

Generic open world game (ala Spider-Man, HZD, Assassin's Creed, etc.) but with a fresh coat of samurai paint. Fortunately, a lot of effort was put into the samurai paint--just enough to set above the average. The combat is fun (duels especially), and I love the incorporation of Japanese spirituality and unity of mind, body, soul. If you're looking for something new and fresh, this isn't it. But if you're just looking for some simple fun you could do a lot worse than Ghost of Tsushima.