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Rhaloth backloggd Doom

4 hrs ago

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Rhaloth is now playing Ghost of Tsushima

4 hrs ago

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OhItsPep followed WendyDoMal

11 hrs ago

OhItsPep followed innkeeper

12 hrs ago

OhItsPep completed Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Pep's Detective Deep Dive - Game 11
This was a joy from start to finish. While unfamiliar with Shu Takumi's work, I have Ace Attorney Trilogy on my "to-play" list and Ghost Trick has made me very excited to play it - in fact, I may just play it next.

Ghost Trick just oozes charm. With a cast of great characters, all beautifully designed and exquisitely animated, the story rolls along at a breakneck pace packed with twists and turns. The "ghost" and "trick" system is easy to get to grips with but as the game rolls along, the puzzles get more and more fiendish. There's a lot of trial-and-error involved, but the game almost expects it out of you, and half of the fun of the game is trying different "tricks" and seeing what happens.

If I had any minor complaints, it would be that at the very end of the game, the story gets a little convoluted. I also figured out the mystery of just who "Sissel" was way before the game's conclusion, and I'm not really sure that was the game's intention.

Now that it's free from the confines of 3DS jail, I definitely see Ghost Trick becoming one of the underrated gems of Capcom's pantheon.

PS: Missile? Best boy. Lynne? Best girl.

13 hrs ago

14 hrs ago

Shiromizu finished Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut
It looks amazing and it plays really well. These are the only positive things I can say about it. The story and characters feel so incredibly shallow and soulless that the recent AC games look like Witcher 3 in comparison. And also, not every game has to be open world, especially if they're not going to make use of that open world. You just go from point A to point B and do the same things over and over again like 30 times or something. Must've been worth the 6 years of development.

14 hrs ago

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