i absolutely loved the engaging controls throughout both for keyboard and controller, i dont think ive played another game (aside from dbh, which is also from quantic dream) that has controls like these. truly keeps you on edge the whole way through. the story is also well written!! it keeps you guessing and always takes turns in the most unexpected ways

its an alright game, but it definitely doesnt feel like a mafia game like the others in the franchise. i think theres too much action as opposed to storytelling and taking out the rackets in each district gets old and repetitive pretty easily.

interesting concept for a game and i dont see enough people talk about it!! i seem to suck pretty bad at all of atlus' games that arent turn based, but overall an enjoyable experience

i could play this game for DAYS i love my slime children

4 stars purely bc of the nostalgia of this game, i still remember the background song vividly

honestly, i was kinda disappointed at first because i had gotten used to persona's turn based combat (my favorite type of combat overall), and im not used to much hack nd slash, so i abandoned the game for a few months.
i ended up coming back to it and actually started getting the hang of the gameplay - it was very fun!! although i would sometimes get wayy to bored after around half an hour, i cant tell if it was just a me issue or the game itself

the neurodivergency in me made this game very enjoyable

honestly such stunning visuals, ive experienced this game soo many times!! it kinda has the same issue as beyond two souls, sometimes it tries a little too hard to be a movie, but overall a good game. and connor solos

incredibly interesting horror game disguised as a dating sim, i remember seeing it on steam only days before it blew up!! its amazing at making horror out of the unsettling

i love the game and elliot page sm but it tries a little too hard to be a movie imo

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AMAZING STORY, the ending is perfect and absolutely fitting for the whole theme of redemption in the series. john trying so hard for his family and jack following in his steps in the end anyway is such a good twist!! i feel it would make an interesting segue into a sequel about jack, especially with the rise of modernization and the wild west being left in the past.
moving on from just compliments, i feel as if the game felt kinda too slow paced at times, too much exposition with characters you didnt see much later on as opposed to what were meant to be the main characters (such as bill, javier and dutch), especially after playing rdr2, i feel as if its kind of lacking when it comes to details about them, theyre more just like a fleeting idea rather than real people, just a memory from johns past. i still love the game! i just believe it couldve been better with more stuff including the 3 antagonists