22 reviews liked by dominicb_

i could smell kiryu's cologne mixed with cigarettes during the whole game i swear to you

This game really miscalculated how invested I was in, like, the lore of LittleBigPlanet.

the part where nathan drake wanders the desert in a delirious near death state but immediately regains all his strength when presented with an opportunity to commit murder is the funniest possible microcosm of this series

Millions of dollars and the full power of the PS3 are used to prove that yes, a videogame about a homicidal maniac who thinks he's an action hero can be as good as a B movie.

can't hear anything over the sound of spider-tongues and boot leather

kind of like if the ps2 startup screen got made into a video game

The one thing I played CSGO for was Arms Race. Arms Race is no longer in the game. So CS2 is worthless to me.

tnx to Valve for destroying the entire history of cs go maps

game had an open beta for months and still released with less content than the game it replaced, where is arms race :(

Replacing a fully complete game with an alpha of an inferior game was a strange decision.
CS2 barely functions, is missing at least half the features, and is observably far from finished.
This was clearly only released as early as it was to meet an arbitrary and self-imposed deadline.
This is not a "full release."